Chapter 957

Knowing that he couldn't hide it anymore, and these people were all his confidantes who had followed him for many years, Situ Yang no longer concealed it. He opened his arms carefully and took a look at the lotus mechanism, feeling that his heart was also hanging.

"Shh~ It's fine for you to know about this, don't say it outside, it will bring about a fatal disaster."

It is indeed very dangerous to carry a strange treasure under such circumstances, several lieutenants also understood, so they all nodded in response, but thinking of the woman who just left, they still couldn't help being puzzled.

"General, who was that person just now? She looks very weak, but she actually has this thing. Is she a spy we planted in Nanchu Kingdom?"

Hearing this question, Situ Yang immediately gave the person who asked the question a hard look.

"You don't have to worry about who she is. Anyway, she is a very important person. In the future, you should be respectful when you see her. Now that you are all here, let's discuss the next layout. The plan has changed. We have to Changed tactics."

As Situ Yang said, he put the lotus organ into his sleeves, and then took several lieutenants to the map and began to explain the next action plan in detail.

At the same time, in the palace of the Nanchu Kingdom, a slender woman danced a charming and joyful dance alone in the huge palace. She was sometimes gleaming, sometimes startled, and her white, tender, bare feet were twirling flexibly on the stage. Falling, when the last movement stopped, she was like a swallow, slowly raised her eyes, a pair of delicate and picturesque eyes were shocking.

The dance stopped, and the maid who had been waiting outside the hall carefully lowered her head and trotted in to report back.

"Princess, the cause of death of Master Sun and others has been ascertained. They were all committed by a killer organization of Qi Xuanguo. This killer organization is lurking in our country, committing crimes step by step, and is very powerful. We have not been able to stop them, and their behind-the-scenes People, we haven't identified yet.

But there is another thing that needs to be reported to the princess. Our people found the traces of Bai Mo, the regent of Qi Xuanguo, outside the palace. He is the younger brother of the Empress Dowager Bai Wu. We have sent someone to follow him, but he is elusive, and we are unable to catch him. Princess, do you think? "

The court lady carefully asked the opinions of the people on the stage. She didn't look up, but she knew the princess's habits. She would peel off her dance clothes on the spot after every dance, and then go to the inner hall to take a bath. During this process, no one was allowed to look at her. One look, otherwise the light ones will have their eyes gouged out and their hands and feet chopped off, and the serious ones will live a life worse than death.

On the stage, Luo Yimeng had already stripped off her dance clothes, and stood there naked, listening to the maid's report, while taking a brocade handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"I know, you go down, you don't have to follow him, you can't follow him."

Luo Yimeng opened his mouth, threw the brocade handkerchief into the wind, and then went into the inner hall to take a bath and change clothes. This is her private hall, and it is also the most luxurious palace in the entire Nanchu Kingdom palace. She has won the favor of her father since she was a child. The emperor loves the people and supports her. She was destined to be noble from birth, and everything she owns is the best.

Soaking in the huge petal hot spring, the body and mind were soothed, Luo Yimeng gently closed his eyes, enjoying the beautiful tranquility, but the memory went back to many years ago, and the corners of his lips raised an arc unconsciously.

In fact, she knew Bai Mo many years ago, because they both worshiped under the same master name, in terms of relationship, they are brothers and sisters.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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