Chapter 953

She was dressed neatly, and her appearance was not all-powerful but exquisite. The most important thing was that under such circumstances, she was the only woman walking on the street swaggeringly.

"Stop! Who are you and why are you here?"

When Lingluo walked to the gate of the city, she was stopped by soldiers as expected. She was prepared and did not panic. She found a spy and a letter from the package on her back.

"Brother, my name is Wu Lingluo. I'm from Yingchuan, Ganzhou. My aunt married here. Earlier, her son wrote to me saying that she passed away. I'm here for the funeral."

Lingluo took out the evidence and wanted to hand it over to the soldier for inspection, but the soldier's expression softened immediately after hearing about her intentions. After taking the things and flipping through them, he found nothing unusual, so he let her in. Don't forget to say a few words.

"It's a troubled time now, you, a woman, don't be so ostentatious, don't be so reckless, it's not safe."

As the soldier said, he returned the things to Lingluo and made way for her.Lingluo thanked her a few words, and then went in with the package on her back. She had a space to carry with her, and the package was actually just a decoration, just to cover up people's eyes and ears. No matter how chaotic the place is, no one can hurt her.

All the way into the city, the outside of the city is desolate, but inside the city there is still a bit of a market atmosphere, and there are some small shops on the street, so Lingluo went to a shop and asked for a bowl of wonton noodles, and inquired about Situ Yang's temporary residence mansion.

The shop was managed by a single owner. While cooking the noodles, he served Lingluo tea and water. When he heard her question, he enthusiastically raised his finger and pointed to the direction, and told her the way.

"Go straight south from here, and when you see the third fork, turn a corner and you will see it."

After hearing his words, Ling Luo smiled and expressed his thanks, then ate his noodles and continued on his way, only to see that there were very few pedestrians in and out of the street, most of them were soldiers lined up neatly.

Follow the road that the shopkeeper said, and you will see the mansion. In this border city, this mansion was originally a government court. After Situ Yang came, it was changed into a military headquarters, and all inside and outside were under martial law .

Seeing so many people, Lingluo thought for a while, and walked up directly, and then took out a letter from the package before the soldier asked a question and said, "I am Wu Lingluo, and I came from the imperial capital to meet General Situ. , This is a letter written by an old friend, please pass it on for me, I will wait here."

Originally, Lingluo didn't want to be so blatant before, so the reasons she made up for the city gate guards were different from now, but after changing the angle, she suddenly felt that this was quite boring, and she might as well just come to the door, anyway, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Well, even if the Queen Mother's eyeliner is all over here, the day lily will be cold when it is passed back.

The soldier took the letter, looked up at Lingluo warily, and finally went in with the letter to report.

In the scorching sun, Lingluo waited boredly. After standing for a while, he felt uncomfortable, and then sat on the steps in the shade next to him. His behavior was not like an ordinary soft woman, which attracted the soldiers' attention.

Not long after, Situ Yang ran out excitedly holding the letter in trembling hands. The soldier who delivered the letter ran all the way and couldn't keep up. When he arrived at the gate of the mansion, he looked around and ignored the men who greeted him. , staring straight at Lingluo.

" are..."

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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