Chapter 940

After concentrating on searching for half a month in the rivers and lakes, he finally found and subdued a hidden master, and found a chance to arrange him to the emperor's side for personal protection.

Lingluo knew very well what would happen next, even though the queen mother would not want the emperor's life now, but she jumped the wall in a hurry.

In the past half a month, Bai Mo came to find Lingluo twice. He seemed to be very busy, but he didn't hide it. He said that Nanchu Kingdom was about to move, and his killer power had already lurked in the past, but the other party was not easy to mess with, so He had to go to Nanchu himself.

When Lingluo heard the news, his opinion of him changed a bit. Although he didn't seem to take the world seriously, he was sitting in the position of the regent, and he was indeed doing the regent's work.

Under his jurisdiction, Bai Wu was arrogant and the officialdom was chaotic, but the people were not harmed in the slightest. Some regulations he promulgated even brought great blessings to the people.

Before Bai Mo left, he and Ling Luo rowed a boat on a lake to watch the sunset, and then made clouds and rain in the starry sky at night. Both of them were very happy. They lay on the boat all night, and then went their separate ways the next day.

Lingluo returned to the imperial capital, and while dealing with various courtiers, she began to form her own forces.It is impossible for her to get involved in the killer organization of Bai Mo, so she has to rely on herself, but this time what she is doing is not armed force, but business.

As the saying goes, scholars, farmers, businessmen, in this era, doing business is something that people are not ashamed of. Most of the people are studying the imperial examination, and the status of businessmen is extremely low. Even if they have a lot of money, they will not be respected.

There are two factions in the court, one is the new faction, which is the supporter of the Empress Dowager Bai Wu, and the other is the old faction, which is the old ministers of the former dynasty and those who are conservative. They had no choice but to criticize a few words and hate it.

The old faction is the main force that Lingluo is focusing on. She designed to unite these people slowly with Moji as the leader. If there are many people, there is great strength. As long as you wait for an opportunity, there will always be room for them to use their abilities.

As for the new forces belonging to the queen mother, Lingluo does not intend to let them go. They have their advantages and disadvantages. Lingluo's plan is to take the method of edge penetration and internal corrosion to make them disintegrate and collapse, and the implementation of this plan requires money. indispensable.

In fact, for Lingluo, as long as Bai Mo doesn't make trouble, it is very easy to seize power, not to mention just a country, even the whole world, she has a way to unify.

After the plan was made, Lingluo implemented it step by step. She spent a month researching the commodity market in the imperial capital, and then opened more than [-] stores with post-modern investment concepts, which almost cost her all. All her savings are involved in industries including carriages, clothing, food, real estate, entertainment and so on.

Lingluo is a person who has experienced modern civilization. The things in her mind are much more advanced than those of the ancients. In modern times, she has also taken over many companies and made a lot of money. In this ancient times, no one can Stop her from making money.

Among the first batch of stores opened, Lingluo spent a lot of money to buy a large courtyard in the name of Shuiqing in a prosperous area, and then personally designed and transformed it into a high-end club.

(End of this chapter)

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