Chapter 909

Lingluo has always admired people with a pure mind, but because of this incident, her view of Chuhe has changed a lot.But a gentleman does not take what others like, since he is Bai Mo's friend, it is inconvenient to associate with him.

This matter came to an end. When Lingluo returned to the palace from Ziyun Garden, Heng Yu had just returned from court, and his Yangyang Palace had been restored to order. There were countless eunuchs and maids standing inside and outside, but the only one who was really serving him was Fu'an alone.

When Lingluo entered, Fu'an was taking off the court clothes for Hengyu and changing into ordinary clothes.


Lingluo walked to the center of the hall and bowed obediently.At this time, Fu'an was fastening Hengyu's belt, he opened his arms and let him play with it, and when he saw Lingluo, the luster in his eyes became a little more real.

"Luo'er, you are here. It just so happens that the sun is shining today. I heard that the cherry blossoms in the Royal Garden are blooming just right. Why don't you accompany me to enjoy the flowers and play chess later?"

Lingluo nodded when she heard the words. She originally wanted to tell her something, but now that there are so many eyeliners of the queen mother around, she can't speak anymore. It's good to go to the Imperial Garden to play chess, so let's use chess to tell him your plan.

"Since the emperor is interested, Lingluo should accompany him."

Heng Yu's lips curled up into a smile when he heard the words, at this time Fu'an had already arranged his robes, so he walked down the steps, stretched out his hand to hold Lingluo's arm, and walked out. "Well, let's go then."

This sudden movement stunned Lingluo. I remembered that Hengyu and the original owner had a very good relationship, but they were not so close. He held hands suddenly. Although it was an arm, it still made her feel uncomfortable. She just wanted to push it away. Heng Yu in front suddenly stopped.

"Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager has ordered that Your Majesty was frightened during the Spring Festival and should rest and not go out."

Lingluo looked up, and it turned out that an eunuch guarding the gate of the hall stood in front of Hengyu, holding a respectful posture, and speaking high-sounding and disrespectful words.

Hengyu paused for a second, and was about to speak, but Lingluo held his hand instead, walked up to him quickly, and kicked away the eunuch who had a high self-esteem.

"Bold slave, dare to block the emperor's way! The emperor is in a bad mood and wants to go to the imperial garden to bask in the sun, but you dare to stop him. Are you the emperor's slave or the emperor is your slave?"

The eunuch was kicked a long way by Lingluo, and hit a red-painted pillar outside the hall, spurting out a mouthful of blood, before he had time to react, he heard such a reprimand, and immediately choked and coughed violently .

The imperial guards with knives outside the hall drew their swords the moment the eunuch was kicked out, but they were suppressed by a tyrannical momentum before they could move, and the two sides immediately stalemate.

Hengyu obviously didn't expect Lingluo to come out like this, and immediately pulled her back after being stunned for a moment.

"Luo'er, forget it, he didn't mean to offend, so let him go. It's getting late, let's go first."

Hengyu pulled Lingluo's sleeve, fearing that she would make another more violent move, but there was no trace of accusation for panic in his words, but he didn't know that this was Lingluo's deliberate bluff for the sake of Later programs offer opportunities.

Before the eunuch who was vomiting blood on the ground had time to get up, Lingluo withdrew his hands and walked away with Heng Yu. The guard's knife was suppressed and could not be unsheathed. Come over and immediately go quickly to chase the emperor who has gone far.

(End of this chapter)

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