Chapter 882

I don't know how long I lay in the flowers in the space, the blood circulated, and after a round of darkness and dawn, Wulu Lingluo's body slowly recovered. When it was completely normal, it was already the afternoon of the third day.

During this period, no one came into the room she was trapped in. The incense burner was burned with charcoal from the frontier, and it did not go out after three days of burning. The medicine was also powerful, and the smell was still strong after three days.

At this time, Wulu Lingluo had regained control of her body. She was sitting in a rocking chair in her garden, eating fruits, reading classics, and only occasionally raised her head to pay attention to the situation outside.

A few hours passed, the sky outside dimmed, and the door of the closed room was finally pushed open.Lingluo raised her head from the book and looked outside, only to see a woman in blue entering the room arrogantly, followed by two maids in the palace, lighting a lantern and lowering her head, unable to see her face clearly.

As soon as the door was opened, the woman in green immediately raised her hand and slapped her face in front of her, showing a very disgusted look, covered her mouth and nose at the same time, and walked straight to the bed in the inner room.

Lingluo recognized this person, her name was Bilian, she was a favored female officer next to the Queen Mother, she was best at instigating troubles and making troubles.It was dark, and the candles in the room had already been extinguished because of lack of management.

I saw Bilian walking forward cautiously with her nose pinched, her eyes fixed on the dark bed, her brows were furrowed together, and the two little maids beside her were also carefully lighting the lamps for her to watch the way.

Lingluo looked at them in the space, raised his eyebrows, raised his hand to pick up a strawberry and put it in his mouth.

The light outside was too dark, and the light from the two lanterns could not illuminate the bed covered by the curtain. Bi Lian only looked at the shadow inside vaguely. The maid next to her motioned for her to check.

"Go, see if you're still alive?"

The little maid staggered from being kicked, she dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out, she was also afraid in her heart, but she could only go forward to check the situation inside with trepidation.I saw her coming forward with a lantern in hand, shaking hands, and slowly lifted the hanging curtain.

Everyone in the world knows that the Wulu family has extraordinary martial arts skills and aloof character. If the queen mother treats Wulu Lingluo like that, if she is still alive and has the force, she will definitely be angry and will attack those who hit the gun.

However, to my surprise, just as the maid's hand was on the curtain, a hand as white as jade stretched out from the exquisite and gorgeous curtain. The little palace maid was so frightened that she rolled to the ground with a sound of "ah!", and backed away again and again. a few steps.

Lingluo raised the curtain, and the soft light from the lantern illuminated that magnificent face, the mysterious atmosphere coupled with her indifferent expression, at this moment she was like a female ghost in hell, Bilian screamed out of fright, The other court lady carrying the lantern also turned pale in an instant.

Seeing them like this, a cold light flashed in Lingluo's eyes, and he got up and got out of bed without hesitation.One disadvantage of the spirit stone space is that it cannot change its location at will. After the spirit falls into the space, it stays in the same place and waits for her to come out before changing places.

Too lazy to talk to Bilian, Lingluo wanted to leave. After walking a few steps, the frightened palace maid suddenly came to her senses, rushed over and hugged her leg, and then started yelling desperately Call.

"Sister Bilian, hurry up, catch her! We can't let her go like this, the empress dowager will kill us if she goes away!"

 Four is over, good night

(End of this chapter)

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