Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 875 Shushu Munan

Chapter 875 Shushu Munan
Five days later, through a large-scale search, Wang Bin finally found evidence of the murder in a small factory that cooperated with Yan.

In the factory that seemed to have nothing to do with Yan Yiyun, there was an independent claustrophobic secret room full of various medical equipment, and the bodies of Zhang Wenbo and the second deceased were also decomposed and mutilated here.

It took Su Munan a lot of time and energy to capture clues from the well-developed information network, and then called all the nearby surveillance cameras to discover the truth from the fragmentary fragments.

Both Zhang Wenbo and the rich second generation were kidnapped and brought here by Li Jingcun, and after they were killed, Li Jingcun was also responsible for bagging and throwing away the corpses. In the eyes of the two of them, the dead were scum, garbage, murderers , they don't feel any guilt.

Wang Bin arranged for the police to control the scene, but when he himself led Su Munan and a group of policemen to the building to arrest Yan Yiyun, he and Li Jingcun drove halfway and turned themselves in.

"I knew you would find me, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

The sun shone on the quiet asphalt road, and the crops on both sides of the road were luxuriant. There were no outsiders on this suburban road. Yan Yiyun was wearing decent clothes as usual, and behind the gold-rimmed glasses was a pair of calm and wise black eyes.

A black luxury car blocked the middle of the road, Yan Yiyun got out of the car, straightened his clothes, and consciously raised his hand.With such a calm and breezy appearance on his face, Su Munan finally understood that his elegant temperament had penetrated into his bones.

"Take me back. I only have one request. I only have one request. Don't let Yan'er know what I have done. I don't want her future life to have a stain like me."

Su Munan was silent, Wang Bin stared at the handsome man in front of him, squinted his eyes, and slowly took out the handcuffs from behind and handcuffed him.

"If I had known today, why was it in the first place."

Both Yan Yiyun and Li Jingcun were crushed into the car. After returning to the police station, Wang Bin was in charge of the interrogation in person. Su Munan stood outside the interrogation room and watched, but he seemed to see a hazy cloud under his elegant and handsome appearance. Heart.

The whole interrogation lasted more than two hours, and Su Munan was standing still. He heard Wang Bin ask Yan Yiyun why he wanted to kill those two people. The answer was similar to what they expected, but not exactly the same.

It turned out that Zhang Wenbo not only spoke rudely to Yan Zhiyan, he even tampered with the juice she drank, but his actions were accidentally discovered by Li Jingcun, so his plan did not succeed.

And that rich second generation is even more arrogant, he has almost no chance to get close to Yan Zhiyan, but he has been coveting her for a long time, and found a group of social gangsters to follow Yan Zhiyan all day long. The girl didn't know what kind of danger she was in for a long time.

Sitting on the chair in the interrogation room, Yan Yiyun folded his hands, calm and composed, he spoke in a low voice, as calm as water.

"For a long time, many people have coveted Yan'er. Some of them peep at the power and wealth behind her, some like her beauty and character, some are jealous of her innocence and kindness, but most of them want to destroy her , and even wanted to restrain me by controlling her."

"Many of these people were dealt with by me in various ways, but only two of them died."

(End of this chapter)

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