Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 865 Shushu Munan

Chapter 865 Shushu Munan
Companionship is the best form of filial piety.

The parents on the phone were both happy and worried. After talking for more than two hours, they reluctantly hung up the phone. After hanging up, Su Munan spent another 10 minutes lying on the bed relaxing and doing nothing.

This is the ninth day that Wang Bin gave himself a holiday. He can take another day off tomorrow, and he has to go back to work the day after tomorrow. After the break, Su Munan got up again and turned on the computer to browse various house and vehicle sales information.

In another office of the hotel, Xiang Zhang looked at the empty corridor of Shiliu on the computer screen and was very puzzled.Uncle Li told him that he wanted to monitor this person, but in the past seven days, this person named Su Munan hadn't gone out of the house, and every time he opened the door, he only asked the waiter to deliver and pick up food.

After lighting the cigarette at his fingertips, Xiang Zhang took a puff and exhaled a cloud of smoke.Since he took this surveillance mission, he listened to other jobs and concentrated on this one. At first he thought he was such a difficult person, but he didn't expect it to be just like that.

Xiang Zhang felt a little disappointed.

The boring days made him panic, so he longed for some excitement.

But at this moment, the closed door suddenly opened, and the tall and handsome Su Munan walked out in a suit and no tie, and closed the door without buttoning his neckline. It's a chic and wanton look.

The moment he saw the figure coming out, Xiang Zhang immediately threw away the cigarette in his hand, fixed his eyes on the target, and straightened his body at the same time.At this moment, Su Munan in the corridor walked to the elevator, waited quietly after pressing the button, as if he suddenly remembered something, he looked up at the monitor above, and suddenly smiled.

Seeing that smile through the screen, Xiang Zhang froze for a few seconds, the elevator door opened, and Su Munan on the surveillance screen walked in, as if nothing had happened.

Xiang Zhang who reacted immediately rushed out of the office and went downstairs. When he chased him out, Su Munan had already taken a taxi and left, but Xiang Zhang had no idea what direction he was going.

Standing on the wide square outside the hotel, Xiang Zhang took a few breaths, made a few more calls, and then a car stopped on the side of the road.

But in fact, Su Munan didn't do much. Ten minutes later, he appeared in the sales department of a real estate. He just fell in love with a hardcover room of this real estate on the Internet, so he came to have a look.

After wandering around in the sales department for a long time, listening to the hype-laden introduction by the sales lady, Su Munan made up his mind without much hesitation, took out his card, and swiped it without hesitation.

This suite is the first phase of the project in this area. It has been completed for a long time and has been sold, but later the family immigrated abroad, so they entrusted it to be re-sold.For Su Munan at this time, there is nothing missing, and the last thing he can move in as soon as possible.

Finally, the deal was concluded, but it will take some time to officially sign the contract. Su Munan paid the deposit, and after coming out of the sales department, he first called Wang Bin, asked him how his work was going these days, and asked him to give Get yourself a job certificate.

There are regulations in this city to buy a house. In addition to locals, outsiders must meet some other conditions in order to buy a house here besides being rich, and work is one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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