Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 860 Shushu Munan

Chapter 860 Shushu Munan
When Su Munan reached the sixteenth floor, he got out of the elevator and found that there were only four rooms in total on this floor, and there were only four suites on such a large floor, so one can imagine how luxurious the interior is.

The corridors outside the elevators are all paved with soft floor mats, and there is no sound when shoes are stepped on them. The wide corridors are decorated in a warm and simple look, and the oil paintings on the walls with lights have a sense of elegance and silence.

Going to the right after getting out of the elevator, I saw the door with the number 1602. I opened it with my room card. The inside is surprisingly large. The living room is spacious and bright. Flowers and plants are planted on the large balcony. All furniture is available, and the overall layout is perfect.

Not so much thinking about appreciating these things, Su Munan first called the service number at the front desk and asked for some food to be brought up, then took off his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a bath. Actually fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door. Su Munan woke up, wrapped himself in a bath towel and went to open the door, only to find that besides what he had ordered, there were more appetizing dishes on the waiter's tray at the door.

"Hi sir, besides the food you ordered, Mr. Yan also ordered other dishes to be prepared for you. Do you want me to go in and prepare the dishes for you now?"

The waitress asked very politely, Su Munan looked at the two people carrying trays behind her, nodded, and turned sideways to let them in to set the dishes.He didn't know that this hotel was also Yan Yiyun's property before, no wonder he was able to rank first in Fengting City's wealth list.

Three waitresses came in without turning their eyes and arranged all the dishes and rice before bending down to leave.

"Sir, please use it slowly. In addition, Mr. Yan has ordered that Mr.'s room fee be transferred to his name. If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time. If there is nothing else, we will leave."

The waitress bowed her head and lowered her eyebrows. Su Munan couldn't even see their faces clearly. He frowned suspiciously when he heard this. He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Yan Yiyun's gourd.

The Tao family and the Yan family are both influential figures in Fengting City. It is normal for them to have friendship and cooperation, but the original owner and Tao Siqi were not recognized by the Tao family during their association, so naturally they did not know and make friends with these Tao family associations.

Although Tao Siqi would mention Yan Zhiyan in front of the original owner in the past, the relationship between the two of them was good, but the original owner only met a few times and didn't say a word, suddenly being so generous to him made him very uncomfortable.

Su Munan firmly believes that there is no free lunch in the world, and it is even more impossible for a shrewd person like Yan Yiyun to show his favor to him for no reason.Thinking of this, Su Munan pursed his lips and refused without hesitation.

"Please tell Mr. Yan that I won't bother him about my affairs. If I have time, I would like to treat him to a cup of coffee. That's it. There is nothing else to do. Go get busy."

The waiter obediently responded.

"Ok sir."

After closing the door, Su Munan was still wrapped in the bath towel. Wang Bin only gave him ten days off, but he opened a room for one month. His plan was to use this month to change his current situation and put the He had done everything he had done, and as for the house where the murder happened downstairs, he didn't want to go back.

Sitting at the dining table to eat, Su Munan took out his mobile phone, turned on the screen, and entered Yan Yiyun's name. At this moment, he suddenly wanted to know more about this legendary young talent.

(End of this chapter)

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