Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 858 Shushu Munan

Chapter 858 Shushu Munan
Hearing this, the leading policeman immediately signaled his companions behind him to go to the third floor with his eyes.Knowing that it was impossible for him to sleep well, Su Munan closed his eyes, walked a few steps and sat down on the shoulder of the road next to him tiredly.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the movement here attracted many people to watch. The police pulled up the cordon, and several corpses were found in the room on the third floor, including a woman who had been hacked to pieces.

The comatose man was dragged away, and Su Munan was brought back to the police station for investigation. The nature of this matter was bad, and the task of the chief interrogator fell into the hands of Wang Bin of the criminal investigation team. Had to go back to the bureau again.

When he saw Su Munan, Wang Bin was still yawning again and again, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were folded into creases. He was obviously not that old, but he looked ten years older than his actual age.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Wang Bin sat down and looked at Su Munan who was facing him. He was obviously helpless. He didn't know why this guy was so reckless, and he encountered and got involved in such a vile murder case again in such a short time.

"I do not know."

Su Munan had no expression on his face, and his voice had no ups and downs.

"When you sent me back, I heard a slight noise in the room on the third floor, but I didn't pay attention, and went back to my room to sleep. I didn't lock the door during this time.

When I was sleeping, I could still hear the voice downstairs. We are all criminal police officers, and it is our nature to be alert, so I tied a rope to see what happened below from the window.

But at this time, my downstairs neighbor cut off my safety rope and chased me, and then you know, I pierced the guy's right arm with the knife I carried, and then picked up a brick I knocked him out, and then my colleagues from the police station came. I don't know anything about other things. "

It turned out to be the case.

Wang Bin nodded, and rubbed the center of his eyebrows very tiredly. He was very annoyed by the successive disasters.

"Okay, let them take you down to rest. I went to see the scene. The murderer and the murdered woman are lunatics. They cannibalize people. There may be differences. This man killed the woman and wanted to murder her." You who live upstairs, this matter basically has nothing to do with you, and you don't have to worry about the rest, just leave it to me."

After Wang Bin finished speaking, he didn't stay any longer. He turned around and went back to work. He is not a good team leader.

Su Munan stayed in the bureau for another period of time, recorded a statement, and signed some documents before being released.But looking at the golden sunshine outside, he was even more confused.

Downstairs is a man-eating devil, he doesn't want to go back to that house, but it's too late to find a house now, forget it, let's go to a hotel first.Thinking of this, Su Munan reached out and stopped a taxi.

"I'm tired, take me to a better hotel to rest."

After closing the car door, Su Munan said to the taxi driver.The driver turned around to see his tired appearance, turned the steering wheel and left, asking caring questions while driving.

"Brother, seeing your complexion is not good, did something happen to you?"

"Well, there's a murder case."

Su Munan looked at the driver behind the guardrail, and responded in a deep voice. Hearing that the driver was so frightened that he stepped on the brakes, the car almost stopped with a screech. It happened that there was a red light ahead and nothing happened. The driver was still in shock after reacting.

"Brother, what are you doing? It's so scary."

 Four is over, good night

(End of this chapter)

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