Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 845 Shushu Munan

Chapter 845 Shushu Munan
Whenever he closes his eyes, the scene of Tao Siqi's death can always clearly appear in his mind, lingering like a curse, so Su Munan hasn't had a good night's sleep in the past few days since he came to this world.

This is the original owner's heart demon.

In view of this, Su Munan didn't sleep at all. The salary of the criminal police was meager, and the original owner's mother was still sick. He simply started to make money, thinking about buying a house first, and then looking for opportunities to take the original owner's parents over to live.

This body is the only begotten son, and filial piety is what he should do.

"Munan, are you asleep? Wake up quickly. A dismemberment case was discovered in the suburbs. We are on our way. Pack up and go downstairs. I'll be downstairs right away. Let's go to the scene together."

After the call was connected, Wang Bin immediately opened the door and went straight to the topic.Su Munan raised his eyes and looked at the time on the lower right corner of the laptop. It was 01:23, and he had to work overtime at this time. It really wasn't easy to be a policeman.

"See you at the first traffic light intersection on Dongfeng Road in 3 minutes."

Su Munan responded, then hung up the phone, closed the laptop, did not even change his clothes, took off the umbrella at the door, and walked into the dark corridor without hesitation.

Three minutes later, a line of blue and white police cars whined and drove over from the silent rainy night. Wang Bin saw Su Munan standing under the orange streetlight with an umbrella in the distance. Seeing his calm face, he was a little surprised that he was so weird speed.

It was still raining lightly in the sky, and traces of rain were drawn into thin lines under the street lamps. The police car stopped beside Su Munan. Wang Bin got out of the car and opened the back seat door for him before returning to the passenger seat.

The sound of the car whining broke the silence of the rainy night. Wang Bin briefly introduced the situation. Seeing that Su Munan didn't answer, he stopped talking. Instead, he looked at the blurred night scene outside the car window, mourning silently in his heart.

Tao Siqi's death had a great impact on Su Munan.

After about half an hour, a group of police cars finally arrived at the destination mentioned by the informant. This is a shoal in the middle of the Qingliu River outside Fengting City. After everyone arrived, the young man and woman were still shivering in place. , Wang Bin immediately directed his colleagues to guard and inspect, protect the scene, and investigate traces.

Su Munan got out of the car, held up his umbrella, and walked towards the man and woman who reported the crime together with Wang Bin. Under their guidance, he saw several large black garbage bags discarded among the weeds in the shallows by the river. Two of the pockets were loosened, and a pale human hand and a jet-black human head were soaked in the water miserably.

When the torch light was shot at the stump, the girl among the young men and women finally couldn't help but burst into tears. They were just driving out to find a quiet place to play, but they didn't expect to encounter such a thing. This directly stunned them.

Wang Bin signaled the investigators to take them down first, put on gloves and a raincoat, turned on a flashlight, and went to salvage the bodies with two other colleagues and the forensic doctor.The surveyors at the scene first took photos and recorded the location. When Su Munan walked over, Wang Bin was wading through the water with difficulty to scratch the black plastic bags stranded in the weeds.

The shoal in this area is covered with fine sand and stones of various sizes. There is no one around here. The location of the plastic bag is not far from the shore. When Wang Bin walked over, the clear water did not reach his knees.

(End of this chapter)

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