Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 835 Shushu Munan

Chapter 835 Shushu Munan

After reading the whole story, Ziling was very surprised by the simplicity of the structure of the story.But unfortunately, she can't grasp any more useful clues at all now. The convenience provided to her by this interface is nothing but this memory.

With a headache and sore eyes, Zi Ling half-sat on the bed and rubbed his brows, adjusted his mentality, and forcibly accepted the fact of this reverse role.At the same time, there was a rush of phone ringing in the room.

Ziling was taken aback. Hearing the sound, he saw that it was the mobile phone that the original owner had placed beside the bed, and the words Uncle Tao on the caller ID screen were particularly bright.After being dazed for a moment, Zi Ling raised her hand to answer the phone, and scenes of crazy memories suddenly surged in her mind.

In that memory, when Su Munan, who was red-eyed after receiving the phone call, raced all the way and rushed into the barren hills following the clues, Tao Siqi's stripped body was hung high on the tree with his hands tied, black hair Scattered, dripping with blood.

When Su Munan found Tao Siqi, she was already dead. The sight made him collapse instantly, his legs were limp and he unconsciously knelt on the ground, hugged him tightly and shouted to the sky.

But what Su Munan didn't expect was that the murderer didn't flee the scene, but squatted there, waiting to get the money. Seeing that he had no money and was wearing a gun, he immediately became angry. With a hand attack, he quickly rushed out from the hiding place and threw the heartbroken Su Munan to the ground and beat him up.

They were all wanted criminals, a group of desperadoes, even when Su Munan was in full strength, it would be very difficult for Su Munan to face them alone, but in such a collapsed situation, he lost his fighting power without resisting a few times.

Su Munan wanted to shoot, but all he saw were illusions, and he couldn't even do basic aiming.

When you love someone so much, a sudden loss is the end of the world.

Su Munan was seriously injured and died in front of Tao Siqi's body.

"Hey! Is it Su Munan? Is it Su Munan? Qiqi was kidnapped. My people tracked her all the way to Lizi Mountain in the suburbs and disappeared. They couldn't find Qiqi. Aren't you the police? Go find Qiqi Qi ah! Uncle, I beg you!"

The man's tearful cries came from the handset of the mobile phone.

Zi Ling's hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

The intense grief and hatred in her body rushed to her heart, making her in a trance for a moment.

After a few seconds of silence, Zi Ling hardly knew what to do, and the person on the receiver was still crying. You can imagine his grief, after all, she was his only daughter.

Forcibly holding down his trembling hand, Zi Ling spoke, his deep voice choked with sobs.The word empathy was the most complete experience for her at this time, and Su Munan's despair was completely on her heart.

"Don't look for it, call the police, your daughter is dead."

After Ziling finished speaking, the mobile phone slipped from his hand, and the man on the other side of the receiver asked a shocked question. At this moment, Ziling was once again overwhelmed by that heavy sadness.

The current time is the morning of April 4th. The weather is clear and the sun is warm. The original owner worked overtime last night until four o'clock in the morning before coming back to rest.At this time, Tao Siqi was already dead.

It was the kidnapper who directly caused the death of the two of them, but the indirect murderer was the person who called Ziling in a panic at this time, Father Tao Tao Zitao.Because of his ignorance and cowardice, the gangsters killed Tao Siqi.

(End of this chapter)

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