Chapter 818 Qi Yi
Wanting to cry without tears, the man-eating beast could only tremble while trying to protect He Qi Yi and the cat in her arms.

Huaxiu almost used all his strength to attack, but his tough spider web had no chance of winning against the tyrannical vines of the piranha, and several of his tentacles were restrained by Xue Ling and could not attack.

What was even more exasperating was that he couldn't control this low-level man-eating beast that didn't even cultivate a half-beast. This was Huaxiu's biggest Waterloo in his life, which made him surprised and helpless.

With the civet by his side, the man-eating beast still shivered subconsciously, but he still understood his position. The timid man also changed from passive resistance to active attack under Qi Yi's constant pressure, and the man-eating beast quickly Growing, those flexible spider webs were helpless in front of the rapidly growing vines, and were brutally swallowed up.

The strength of monsters is much stronger than that of spirit beasts. Even a low-level monster that has not yet cultivated into a body can still challenge it.Just like a soldier and a king, a soldier is afraid of a king, but it doesn't mean that a soldier can't beat a king.

The spider web was forced, Huaxiu became angry from embarrassment, and the eight tentacles suddenly leaped away from Xue Ling and rushed towards Qi Yi at a stronger speed.

The dense yelling broke through the sky, and Qi Yi realized that Huaxiu was already angry and was calling more monsters to help out, while Jimozi was still sleeping, he could protect the man-eating beasts from Huaxiu, but he couldn't. Ensure that other monsters are not controlled by Huaxiu.

The eight tentacles stretched out in front of him, even the tyrannical vines of the piranha couldn't resist, and Xue Ling spun rapidly, but couldn't resist the full attack of the eight hands from eight directions at the same time.

The silent night was lit up by the thrill of the moment, and the sound of screaming and running in the distance shook the whole land. Qi Yi had no doubt that if he really waited for those monsters to come over, he would definitely annihilate the entire army.

At this critical moment, Qi Yi suddenly closed his eyes, and a tyrannical force suddenly rose from her center, everything around her was imprisoned, and each interface could only be used once. It is used as the last trump card to deal with Huaxiu.

Watching her body break and disappear inch by inch, Huaxiu's eyes widened in disbelief. Such a tyrannical and irresistible divine power seemed to only shine brightly thousands of years ago when the vicissitudes of life changed.

She is……

When the wind blows, the ripples of the flower sea rise, and everything returns to calm.The petals were flying, and Qi Yi stood quietly in the rain of flowers all over the sky, while the cat in her arms was still deeply asleep.

The man-eating beast still shivered on the ground with its eyes closed, but while trembling, it suddenly realized that something was wrong, and opened one eye cautiously, only to see a peerless woman in red standing gracefully under the moonlight, with a bright circle Yue became her background, staring at her, her breathing stopped for a moment.

But before he could look again, he was suddenly thrown back into the dark space.

The cannibal was stunned, and he suddenly realized that he had discovered something extraordinary. The aura that this woman exuded at that moment was more brilliant and more aspirational than the mountains, rivers and moons.

Such a person... is not a human being...

Huaxiu fell, and the traction of those monsters in the distance suddenly broke. After a while, they had no choice but to return home inexplicably.

 Today's fourth update is over, good morning

(End of this chapter)

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