Chapter 814 Qi Yi
Sure enough, the cannibal's intuition did not fail him.The spirit stone space is only that big, and after Jimozi finishes eating the mountain of fish, the man-eating beast that has been hiding and hiding will naturally be exposed in front of him, and there is nothing to hide or avoid.

Jimozi looked at the plant monster that was much bigger than before, and his depressed mood seemed to have vented. He wagged his tail and struggled for a long time, and finally asked in embarrassment:
"You said, is there any way for me and that woman to stay together like you and this flower?"

Seeing him staring at him naked for a long time, the man-eating beast had already collapsed several times. Seeing him move, he thought he was going to eat him, and closed his eyes in despair. After waiting for a long time, he suddenly heard these words, the man-eater A little confused.

"Ah? Boss, what are you talking about?"

Jimozi looked at this man-eating beast that was much bigger and solid than before, and patiently repeated it again.

"I asked if there was anything that could make Qi Yi and I stay together like you and this flower."

Seeing Jimozi say that again, this time the man-eating beast finally believed that he had heard correctly, finally relaxed his nervousness, stretched his shriveled limbs, and answered the question that troubled Jimozi for a long time without thinking.

"It's simple. You have her in your heart. No matter what happens, don't leave her. You should always care about her, take care of her, and take care of her. As long as you have her in your heart, no one can separate you if you don't leave her. Just like Huahua, although she is not conscious yet, her roots grow in my heart. When she dies, I will die too, but when I am about to die, I will send her back to the earth so that she can return to the earth. Can continue to survive and meet the next me."

The man-eating beast spoke seriously, and Jimozi suddenly realized it like a revelation after listening to it, and immediately jumped out of the space, Qi Yi was leaning on the window sill and eating a wild fruit.

"You came out late this time. I heard what you said just now."

With a click, Qi Yi said lightly while taking a bite of the flesh, her tone and demeanor were careless, as if those words did not cause any ripples in her heart.

Jimozi landed on the wooden floor, looked up at the woman above, it was already late, she was sitting wantonly on the window sill, the full moon was rising in the sky, but it was only bright behind her.

Jimozi didn't care if his mind was broken, he was a beast, and he didn't have too many emotions such as shyness and annoyance.

"My injury has recovered, and in three months, I will be able to fully return to the appearance of your human race. Qi Yi, I have you in my heart, I hope you don't drive me away, I hope I can always be with you."

I have you in my heart…

After living for so many years, it was the first time Qi Yi heard such a concise and straightforward explanation. It really is a beast, and it does things more straightforwardly than humans.But it's a pity that she already had someone else in her heart.

"Don't worry, I will never leave you in this life."

Qi Yi opened his mouth, avoiding the seriousness and taking the lightest, and answered his question without any pain.She is very clear that at this time Jimozi is dependent on herself, both physically and mentally, which can also be called liking and appreciation, but it is definitely not love.

From the very beginning of accepting the task, Qi Yi had thought about dividing the boundaries, being with him for the rest of his life does not mean loving him for the rest of his life.

A person's heart is very small, and can only pretend to be one person forever, and that person Qi Yi lived in her heart a long time ago.

 Good evening, check in for a ticket every day
(End of this chapter)

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