Chapter 811 Qi Yi
"Is something wrong?"

From a distance that wasn't far or near, Qi Yi raised his neck slightly and asked.The other party is not kind, but she is not a weak person who is easy to bully. The two face each other head-on, and it is not clear who will win.

Qian Hao's blood-red eyes stared at Qi Yi closely, and their eyes met, as if they wanted to explore the other's soul through everything.

Qi Yi originally thought she would do something to him, but it didn't happen. Qianyu kept her face indifferent, as if she didn't hear her question, stood upright for a while, then went down the steps stiffly, and passed by Qi Yi , and left without looking back.

This kind of reaction was unexpected, Qi Yi turned around with a dazed expression and looked at Qian Hao who was drifting away, a big question mark rose in his heart.She just did nothing, just came to see herself and left?

Simply inexplicable.

Puzzled, Qi Yi didn't bother to pursue it any further. He returned to his tree house and began to heal and take care of Jimozi with peace of mind. Usually no one came to disturb him, and his life was very peaceful.

But the strange thing is that every day Qian Hao would look at her unshakably, without saying anything, without doing anything, just standing and looking at her indifferently like a dead person for a few minutes, and then she acted like nothing happened Just happened to leave.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

As Lie Cheng said, the new patriarch Qian Hao is moody, even if Qi Yi lives peacefully in her own house every day to recuperate from her injuries, and only goes out hunting and gathering food regularly, she can still hear many rumors about the new patriarch.

After Qianyu, whose temperament changed drastically, became the patriarch, she slaughtered all the living tribes in the surrounding area even more brutally than the original patriarch. In just half a year, the power of the Qianyun clan expanded by leaps and bounds. It has reached half or more of its original size.

Qi Yi thought about this concept for a while, probably because the Qianyun Clan was originally a big country, but now through Qianyu's efforts, it has become close to two countries. This kind of development is really scary.

But this is not the most frightening thing. The most frightening thing is that Qian Hao’s most notable feature after her temperament change is her love of eating raw meat. The tribe must also eat raw meat, otherwise they will be executed.

Qi Yi doesn't know what this girl thinks, but in the entire Qianyun clan, he is the only one who can completely ignore her rules and regulations, do what he should do every day, and eat what he should eat.

Today, the sun is shining and the breeze is pleasant.

Qi Yi was lying in the rattan rocking chair on the balcony of his home, holding Jimozi in his arms, enjoying the sun bathing leisurely.

I don't know why, since half a year ago, this cat has been very lethargic. He is awake for two or three hours out of twelve hours a day, and sleeps deeply at other times.

And during these two or three hours of sobriety, apart from causing trouble for Qi Yi, he only ate, and his appetite was astonishingly large, which frightened the man-eating beasts in the space into a daze. He hid himself, afraid that he would eat himself too.

And raising these two monsters, the hardest thing is Qi Yi, the man-eater is a foodie, as long as it is meat, he likes to eat it, and now there is a cat that can eat more than the man-eater, the two of them He could eat seven or eight meats as huge as gray cranes in one meal, so Qi Yi had to regularly hunt monsters and beasts with a lot of meat in the space.

 good afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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