Chapter 805 Qi Yi
Xue Ling moved according to his heart, Qi Yi looked at the wolf's mouth that opened, and picked a few flowers from the man-eating flower vine in the space at once, and used the skill of a hidden weapon to throw them accurately at the moment before he fell down. In the wolf's mouth.

As for himself, Qi Yi adjusted his posture, stepped on the wolf's head when he landed in an instant, Zhi Xueling took the initiative to stab the flying monkey straight away.Compared with the gray crane with its wings flying to the sky, the monkey's biological weakness is roughly the same as that of a human being. The snow feather and the bone spur shot out at the same time, and the monkey couldn't dodge it. Made a few holes.

The monkey was killed, the two poisonous wolves were bitten by the piranha, and they lost their chance to make another move in a hurry. At this time, the worm with its head corroded came out of the ground again, and rushed towards Qi in the billowing dust with the momentum of a catastrophe. Yi.

The mouse was injured, but it wasn't seriously injured, and at this time, it ran towards Qi Yi with scarlet eyes. The fox was stunned by Jimozi before, but now he heard the voice and his mind gradually cleared up, and the target also locked on the slender figure. woman.

Attacked from three sides, suffered from the enemy's back and body, Qi Yi did not panic at all, followed his heart, clear minded, caught the slightest movement around him, stepped on the established trajectory, and dodged the attack in an orderly manner.

This battle that changed the color of the world attracted everyone from the Qianyun Clan to watch. Everything happened so fast that they were dazzled. They only saw a few shadows flashing across the dusty vegetation in the sky.

The body of the enshrined monster was surprisingly large. The gray crane that died first lay there quietly. The blood twisted and twisted and flowed to the feet to form a stream. People trembled in their hearts. They had never seen such a cruel massacre.

Among the crowd, Qian Hao's expression had changed from mocking and contemptuous to stunned. From the moment Gray Crane fell down, she finally realized what kind of person she had provoked, and finally realized that she and the person among them were in love with each other. difference!
Or, it's not human.

For so many years, even the best hunters could not fight against seven half-beasts, let alone inflict damage to the half-beasts.Today's shock instantly shattered the self-confidence and arrogance Qian Hao had built up over the past ten years.

It turns out that there is really a sky beyond the sky, and there are really people beyond the people.

What I thought was invincible was simply ridiculous.

All eyes were on this massive battle, and Qianyi was also shocked. When the dust settled, a delicate figure stood upright, and behind her were several unbelievably huge corpses of half-beasts.

Qi Yi held the bone spur in his hand, stood on the spot, raised his hand and slowly wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, slightly raised the corner of his lips, and smiled sweetly, heart-stirring.Even though her clothes were all red, even though her bare skin was covered with scars, she still stood firmly.

"Qianyi, now, do you have any comments?"

This time, Qi Yi called his name directly, and the Qianyun people behind Qianyun were shocked and reacted when they heard the sound, and immediately pulled up their weapons and wanted to charge upwards, but before they could run out, they were entangled by vines that suddenly sprang up from the ground , can no longer move.

Qi Yi fixed his eyes on Qian Ni in the crowd. At this time, his expression had changed from shock and inconceivable to terrified. He stared at Qi Yi, as if he had seen some monster, and backed away tremblingly.

"you you……"

Qian's speech is incoherent, and this is the first time he has felt so afraid of someone since he grew up.

(End of this chapter)

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