Chapter 791 Qi Yi
Everyone cast doubtful eyes on the source of the voice, but against the backdrop of the fire, the person who volunteered to watch the night rolled on the ground, with an extremely obscene and contented expression on his face, and shouted lewdly and chaotically.

Everyone is an adult, seeing this, they all understood what was going on, the other people who came with the man on the ground bowed their heads in shame, Lie Cheng got up with a flushed face and wanted to apologize to Qi Yi.

Qi Yi just pursed his lips, didn't take this matter to heart, changed his position, and continued to rest.

At dawn the next day, several people packed up and set out to set traps to hunt Taishan apes. The man who was thrown on the ground and indulged in his own environment gradually became sober.Opening his eyes, he saw the graceful woman cast a cold look, and there was a sound in his head, and he was immediately regretful and annoyed.

Today is the time to hunt and kill Taishan ape. At this juncture, every manpower is very important, and there must be no internal strife. Therefore, everyone just looked at the man with evil intentions with a little contempt, and then said nothing. Arrange and deploy hunts directly.

Unlike others, Lie Cheng respected Qi Yi very much, so regardless of other people's objections, he forcibly arranged the only woman into the battle plan, and made her responsible for attacking with others after attracting the Taishan ape.

Considering what happened last night, everyone knew they were wrong, so it was inconvenient to refuse, but they always had doubts about Qi Yi, who had thin arms and legs.The man who wanted to commit the murder last night was arranged to go with Lie Cheng to lure Taishan Ape into the trap.

The biggest difference between humans and animals is intelligence. When their own abilities are limited, humans often use the power of the environment to win, but animals do not.

The Taishan ape they targeted also had a very high IQ, but after being provoked, that little IQ was completely dissipated by anger, and excitedly clamored to hunt down those who violated his territory.

Taishan Ape, as its name suggests, has a huge body like a mountain. The sky and the earth turn pale when jumping, and the ground trembles. The trap designed earlier only trapped him in less than half a moment before he was violently torn apart. Couldn't scratch it.

A group of people flanked back and forth, fighting with their lives several times to cut the huge monster out of harm. Their weapons were all smeared with poison. As long as they can cut the outer skin of Taishan ape and let the poison penetrate into the texture, they will be successful. More than half.

During this process, Qi Yi has never intervened. This kind of hunting makes people excited, but it doesn't mean much to her.After all, Taishan ape is strong, even if it is poisoned, its strength is astonishing. Under the rage, Taishan ape's eyes are scarlet, very scary, and those who rushed to attack him were seriously injured.

Knowing that he was at a disadvantage, Taishan Ape no longer wanted to fight after solving the troubles around him, and rushed into the jungle clamoring to escape.

He is tall and big, with a stride of ten miles. Everyone saw that he was about to run away, but they didn't expect a flash of white light. of perched birds.

With a successful blow, Qi Yi stepped on the back of the giant ape in a few jumps, and then deliberately took out his weapon Xueling from the thick skin in front of everyone.

If you don't make a song, you're done, it's a blockbuster, referring to Qi Yi at this time.

Everyone never expected that the monster that they had fought hard for half a day and failed to subdue was so easily killed by this humble woman.

(End of this chapter)

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