Chapter 783 Qi Yi
this person……

It is said that when Qi Yi returned to the tree house, Jimozi was having a great time playing ball. The nature of the cat was fully displayed, and the injuries on his body were slowly recovering from the exercise.

This is exactly Qi Yi's purpose.

In the original plot, under the care of the original owner, Jimozi lay in the cradle every day, or just jumped on the window sill and waited for others. He hardly exercised, and the recovery from the injury was naturally slow, and it took two full years to recover.

Qi Yi can't wait for two years, she wants to go back to her tribe after solving the matter here as soon as possible, complete the task as soon as possible, and be free as soon as possible.

Seeing her coming back, Jimozi finally abandoned the ball, turned around and rubbed around her legs, and with his keen sense of smell, he immediately discerned the strong smell of blood on Qi Yi's body.

"You killed that big bug?"

Jimozi jumped to a high place where he could look at Qi Yi, sat upright and asked.

Putting the treated bamboo rat on the fire to roast, Qi Yi asked in surprise when he heard Jimozi's voice:
"You know that giant python?"

As soon as he finished asking, Qi Yi regretted it, remembering that he is a spirit beast, although it is useless, his senses are extremely keen.

Sure enough, Jimozi raised his head arrogantly.

"Of course. Not long after you came back yesterday, the big worm came. But because I was there, he didn't dare to approach. When I scared him, he hid far away."

Oh I got it.

Qi Yi nodded clearly, expressing that he knew, but he felt that it was useless.He clearly knew that there was danger outside, but he didn't see this guy when he went out and reminded him, such a teammate can only hehe.

Thinking about it, Qi Yi took out the snake gall from the space and threw it to Jimozi.

"Take it and eat."

I thought the cat would swallow it without hesitation, but after receiving the snake gall, he showed extremely disgusted eyes.

"No, this thing is disgusting."

Jimozi refused, even if he was beaten to death, he didn't want to eat this.

Hearing this, Qi Yi turned around, his eyes fell on a certain cat's fluffy head with cold eyes, then suddenly moved forward, opened his mouth, and stuffed the ugly-looking snake gall directly into it.

All the movements were done in one go, and when Jimozi reacted, the snake gall that he disliked so much had slipped into his stomach safely, and there was still a faint fishy smell in his mouth.

Jimozi: ...

This matter came to an end, and Qi Yi never left his tree house for a while, but he never expected that he would be safe until the next day, just after dawn, his house was surrounded by people.

As soon as the sun broke through the clouds, Qi Yi heard the sound of many footsteps trampling on the grass and trees. He got up and went to the window to have a look. Damn it, it seemed like a big wave of zombies was coming!

A large group of Qianyun tribe's subordinates who were hiding from the grass leaves surrounded their lonely wooden house. Unlike before, they only took spears. This time they even brought hard shields made of unknown materials. Yue Mo intended to use this Resist his unique skill of flying flowers and wearing things.

But they may not know that the move they are afraid of is nothing more than a trivial skill to Qi Yi, and the real big move is not something they can resist at all.

Seeing her standing in front of the window, the people underground didn't bother, and sent a representative to start shouting, shouting and dancing.This is a local dialect, roughly translated to mean that their Elder Zou Jing likes him very much, and asked them to take him to be the elder's pet.

(End of this chapter)

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