Chapter 775 Qi Yi
It had been a long time since anyone made her feel so uncomfortable, and her instinct told her that such a person could not stay.

This was the only thought in Qian Hao's mind at this time.

The reason why she didn't pursue the matter just now was because she knew that it would be useless if she pursued it. That Qi Yi is obviously not a person who is easy to give in. Such a calm look in his eyes is a manifestation of the precipitation of the world. There are more things that have been experienced.

Qian Hao knew very well that such a person was not easy to mess with, if not, she would end up with the reputation of bullying foreigners, which would be very detrimental to her succession in the future.

But it's impossible to let her be free like this. After thinking for a while, Qian Hao suddenly remembered one of the monsters enshrined in the clan, the snake demon Zou Jing.Snake is notoriously yin and dang, and the clan enshrining him has recruited many women for his entertainment over the years, but none of them has survived more than three days. Those women were all tortured to death by him.

The subordinate who came to listen to the training trembled when he heard the words, and said yes in a humble way, and then stepped back and turned to the Dragon Scale Cave to convey the words of the young master. If you look closely, you can find that the legs of the man are trembling when he walks .

Zou Jing, the snake demon, lives in the Dragon Scale Cave built for him by the Qianyun Clan all year round. Apart from being fond of women, his biggest hobby is eating people's hearts.Whether he likes it or not, as long as he wants to eat, he will open up the shrimps and eat the meat. Ten of them will go to his subordinates, and at most three will come back.

It wasn't until the figure of that person disappeared completely that Qian Hao turned her gaze back to look at the people around her, her red lips parted slightly, and she gave an order coldly.

"Within three days, no matter what method you use, you must capture the foreign woman you saw just now and give it to Uncle Zou Jing."

Most of the time, there is no reason to hate someone. After solving this problem, the annoyance in Qian Hao's heart disappeared immediately, and she strode back to her residence.

At this time, Qi Yi, who had just made friends with Lie Cheng, was tirelessly explaining to him the reason why he was successful in picking flowers and shooting wood before, and carefully demonstrating for him.

"Look at this petal, before you use it, you have to feel its tendon structure carefully, where it is strong and where it is weak, put your own strength into its veins, and then throw it, use your momentum, Shoot it towards a fixed target, you must be confident in the process, and you must not doubt yourself, otherwise you will lose the most important momentum and fail, just like this."

Qi Yi explained in detail with the petal in his hand, and at the same time threw it suddenly, and saw that the petal shot out in the air, but it really didn't achieve the expected effect. It lost its strength halfway and landed on the grass.

Lie Cheng listened very carefully, without blinking his eyes, for fear of missing any details.

After the previous petal fell to the ground, Qi Yi picked another petal casually, and then threw it vigorously. Unlike before, the petal this time was as sharp as a sharp blade, reaching the center of the target, piercing through obstacles, and directly inserted into the wood. on the pile.

"Do you understand? I've already told you the principle. Next, you need to practice hard on your own. After you're proficient, you can use it naturally."

After the demonstration, Qi Yi explained slowly.

Lie Cheng frowned, knowing that he understood, but he knew that if he wanted to achieve such a level, he might not have worked hard for ten or eight years, it would be nothing but a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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