Chapter 767 Qi Yi
The patriarch's father regretted his decision to force his daughter to cause her to flee. For three years, he has been doing nothing, and everything in the clan has been handed over to outsiders.

Qi Yi returns with Jimozi, but this familiar hometown is no longer what she is familiar with.

Because the son of the new ruler of the tribe once wooed Qi Yi and was ruthlessly rejected, and he was unwilling to give up the rights he already had in his hands, so he united with the tribe to drive away Qi Yi and Mozi, and designed several times in succession. Harm them.

Since then, Qi Yi has been in danger, and under the persecution of the new ruler, the two are constantly persecuted.

Because of Jimozi's arrival, the giant snake enshrined in the clan was afraid of him and did not dare to act rashly, but he also hated this person who invaded his territory.

Like Qi Yi, the rejected son of the new ruler also left the tribe, and later fell under Qian Hao's skirt and became her playful pet.

After Qi Yi left, Qian Hao was very angry and ordered to chase her back. This was known by Wan Chong, and in order to please Qian Hao, he took the initiative to lead the way back to the clan with a large group of foreigners.

The tribal people have always rejected foreigners, and Jimozi was rejected and feared by them when he came, but he didn't expect a large group of people to come soon.When Qian Hao came, she acted resolutely and immediately executed those who were dissatisfied with her, scaring people so much that they were too angry to speak out.

Qian Hao brought a powerful monster and countless followers. The new leader of the tribe was very surprised that his son had climbed such a figure. The giant snake also stood up and became her sharp blade under her coercion and lure.

Seeing Qi Yi again, Qian Hao also liked Jimo Zi beside her very much, so she issued the killing order without hesitation, and a brutal massacre began.

In this massacre of disparity in strength, Qi Yi was seriously injured, the patriarch and his wife were killed to save their daughter, and countless tribesmen became cannon fodder. Jimozi was weak and only turned into a prototype at the last moment to rescue Qi Yi. The witnesses were all shocked.

This is a tragedy. Later, Qi Yi, who was seriously injured, and Jimozi, who was able to transform into a human form, became the targets of countless people. They were displaced and precarious.

After Qi Yi recovered from his injury, he became disabled. It was difficult for him to survive, let alone take revenge. He could only spend his days in analgesia and regret.

Jimozi couldn't bear to see her like this, so he sacrificed his life, using his own spiritual blood as a guide to induce countless high-level monsters to be born to destroy Qianhao and her family.

A large number of monsters were born, and not only Qian Hao was killed, but people also suffered devastating blows, and Qi Yi became a sinner through the ages.

In the end, Jimo Zi died, Qian Hao and her family died, Qi Yi's parents and tribes and many innocent people also died, and she herself committed suicide.

Everything ended here. Ziling saw the woman when the first ray of sunlight in the morning fell on the vine-covered window of the tree house. A sharp bone spur pierced into the woman's heart. A crystal teardrop refracted the sunlight. When they found her, she had no breath of life.

The corners of his eyes were sour, and his heart was choked up. Knowing this, Zi Ling was also depressed.

The original owner left two tasks in the end, one is to suppress Qianhao, eliminate dissidents, and protect her tribe from harm, and the other is to protect Jimozi, never let him down, and spend the rest of her life with him.

The sun was warm, and Ziling looked at himself in the simple clothes again. The time here is not too much, not too little.

(End of this chapter)

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