Chapter 765 Qi Yi
The center of gravity suddenly lost, and a strong bloody smell overflowed from his throat. Qi Yi staggered and just jumped into the bloody mouth of the monster beast. Pushing Qi Yi to the ground and hitting her several times, she narrowly saved her life.

The monster bit the air with one bite, raised its head to the sky and screamed angrily, and then tried to escape with its exhausted body, but was stabbed by Qian Hao's flying spear, and lost its life with a howl.


After Qian Hao killed the wolf demon, she only took a cold look at Qi Yi and left with her subordinates and spoils. Even Lie Cheng dared not say a word about her humiliation.

Qi Yi fell to the ground, only to see the woman gradually blurred among the crowd.

Qi Yi was seriously injured, mainly on his back and spine. When he was brought back to the tree house by Lie Cheng, he shook his head regretfully, put down a lot of coins and left in despair.

Qi Yi knew that his back injury was caused by Qian Hao, and Lie Cheng also knew it, but he would never make decisions for himself, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't dare.

Qian Hao has a viciousness that is completely opposite to her name.

At night, Qi Yi lay on the bed and looked at the bright starry sky framed by the window covered with vines. After many years, she felt lonely in this foreign place for the first time. She had missed her hometown and relatives countless times, but there was nothing Once as helpless as now.

"Want to go home?"

Suddenly, a clear male voice broke the silence of Xia Ye. Qi Yi was subconsciously alert, but found a man lying beside the bed who was as silent as water at some point. What was even more frightening was that he had a pair of ice creams different from everyone else. Blue eyes.


Qi Yi subconsciously grabbed the bone spur placed beside the bed, but his body was in severe pain, he staggered and fell directly off the bed, his head fell to the ground with a bang, and his already painful body suddenly became even more painful.

"Hehe, what are you afraid of? I won't eat you."

Jimozi moved slightly, and his naked body was unreservedly displayed in front of Qi Yi under the moonlight. He was different from all monsters and beasts, and he had actually cultivated a complete human form.

"You took care of me for two years, now it's my turn to take care of you."

Saying that, Jimozi half-kneeled on the ground, picked up Qi Yi who was so shocked that he completely forgot to react, and gently put him back on the bed, brought out a bowl of dark green paste from nowhere, motioned for Qi Yi to turn around, He wants to apply medicine.

Jimozi's injury was healed because Qi Yi used various herbs to nourish and treat him day after day. He didn't know these things about human beings, but after seeing a lot, he knew the reason.

Moreover, their civet family has always been sensitive, and they naturally know some plants that can be used as medicine, so when he saw Qi Yi brought back by Lie Cheng, he did not hesitate to go to collect herbs. The fruits of today's hard work.

Qi Yi wanted to refuse, but Jimozi didn't give her a chance to refuse. His hands were like magic, and he applied the medicine to the wound. The icy cold touch gradually dissipated the burning pain, just like the person in front of him, Like the moonlight falling on the ground, gentle like water.

Later, Qi Yi learned more things that she didn't know. For example, there are monsters in this world that can fully transform into forms, but they are very few, and of course Jimozi is not the only one.

For example, although Jimozi cultivated into a human form, he actually
(End of this chapter)

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