Chapter 694
In this era of physical fitness, many people are born with supernatural powers, and they can become strong if they work hard in the later stage, but she lost at the starting line as soon as she came.

But she is not all lost, after all, she also has a father, Mu Xiu, who is the deputy leader of the Interstellar Alliance.

The Interstellar Alliance is an alliance organized by human beings. Its function is to maintain the rights and status of the human race in the universe.

If the members of the alliance are attacked or invaded by other alien creatures, the alliance will send out troops to crusade.

The members of the Interstellar Alliance are all humans. In addition, there are other alien organizations such as the Sky Alliance and the Mother Star Alliance. Their capabilities cannot be underestimated, and they are comparable to humans.

The original owner is 15 years old this year. According to the current development, she should have entered some famous bases to study and train like her elder brother Mutian, and then became an indispensable member of the Star Alliance, displaying her talents in the universe and ability to become a dazzling new star.

However, it does not.

Mu Xingchen has been in poor health since she was a child. When children of the same age were training and fighting in various ways, she was hugged and couldn't even walk well.When children of the same age were already able to form a group to kill monsters, she was just able to walk.

Her situation disappointed and helpless the respected deputy leader Mu. What Ziling experienced just now was the original owner's 15-year-old coming-of-age ceremony assessment.

At this time, the human race is considered an adult at the age of 15, and the rules of the Interstellar Alliance are that when they become an adult at the age of 15, they must be placed alone on a planet with alien creatures for an adult assessment. If they pass, they will be sent to the Sky Blue Star for unified training. , and will be an official member of the alliance in the future.

The original owner, Mu Xingchen, must abide by such agreed rules.Because of her father, she was sent to Rock Moth Star, which has the lowest risk value in the assessment site, which is the land where Zi Ling was standing just now.

Among all the assessments, Rock Moth Star is the lowest level, because creatures like Rock Moth have no intelligence and consciousness, and they will attack outsiders by instinct.

And the part of their head and neck is very soft, unlike other alien creatures that are covered with hard armor, making it difficult to attack, it is extremely easy to attack successfully.

But Mu Xingchen didn't pass the simple assessment of being deliberately watered down.For those who have not passed the adult assessment, the alliance does not recognize their equal status. At best, they are regarded as accessories. In the future, they can only do the lowest-level jobs in the alliance, and they basically have no sense of existence.

But there are no absolutes in everything. The adult assessment is only the first level, which is equivalent to the college entrance examination. If you fail the entrance examination, although it is regrettable, it is not fatal.

If you have some amazing specialties, such as advanced weapon manufacturing inspection and maintenance, or proficiency in the operation and use of various instruments, or can understand and communicate with other alien biological languages.

If you have these abilities, you can also be accepted and reused by the alliance, but compared to those passionate fighters, what you have is respect, not mainstream worship.

There are not a few people who have failed the assessment over the years. After all, not everyone is a genius, but Mu Xingchen's dazzling position is particularly embarrassing.

As the saying goes, a tiger father has no dogs, and she is that special existence that embarrasses the family.

(End of this chapter)

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