Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 681 Changting Fu

Chapter 681 Changting Fu

The blade slashed to the ground, Shuizhi rolled back and struck again before she could stand up in time for another blow.She knew there would be undercover agents in this group, but she didn't expect that there would be as many as four of them.

The two strikes failed, the man was obviously angry, and he raised his knife to chop at Shuizhi again.Fortunately, the forest has complex landforms and a variety of plants, and Shui Zhi, who is petite, escaped without any danger.

The guard's knife was either cutting on a tree or on a dense plant's branches and leaves, and it was barely achievable every time.The other three guards who had been kept in the dark were also brothers at this time and tried their best to resist.

The current situation is three against three, and the other extra is chasing and killing Shui Zhi, but because of her cunning, she never succeeds.On the whole, the two sides are evenly matched, and no one takes advantage of it.But not long after, several guards suddenly felt top-heavy and dizzy.

In order to escape for her life, Shuizhi kept fleeing in the dense forest, and she was panting at this time, but the guard who was chasing her viciously suddenly lost all his limbs and slashed down with the knife.

Let alone killing people at this time, he didn't even have the strength to crush an ant, his chest felt nauseated, his mind was like a paste, his vision gradually blurred, and finally there was only darkness left.

Sensing the movement, Shuizhi looked back in shock, only to see that those people had already collapsed weakly in the jungle, as if they were dead.

Seeing this, Shuizhi finally let go of her hanging heart, bent over and kicked her knees, panting heavily.In fact, she was always worried along the way, for fear that if she was not careful, she would become a dead soul under the knife.

After all, the other party is a real sword, and she is just a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken. She is hostile on the surface, and she has no advantage at all.In the face of death, she also wavered.

After panting for a long time, finally calming down, Shuizhi went to look at the fallen people. At this time, their weapons were scattered on the ground, and their bodies had wounds from fighting, and they had completely lost consciousness.

Seeing this, Shuizhi approached them with confidence.

Before she came here, she had considered such a result, so she deliberately put drugs in some of the dry food prepared, but she didn't expect that there were fruits with paralytic effects growing in this forest, which helped her invisibly .

Shuizhi took a closer look and found that the people were not dead, but were poisoned by the wild fruit and could not move.

After the inspection, Shui Zhi immediately took out the water that she carried with her, mashed the leaves of the bright red wild fruit, and poured them to the three guards who were in the same camp as her.

After a while, the three of them woke up faintly. After seeing Shuizhi's appearance, they remembered what happened before, and suddenly jumped up from the ground in shock.

"Girl, what happened? Are you okay!"

One of the men jumped up on the spot and asked nervously, while turning left and right to check his body, it looked like there were a lot of dirty things crawling on his body.

Seeing that the three of them were all fine, hearing this, Shuizhi shook his head lightly. "It's okay, let's go, it's dangerous here." Shuizhi said and lifted her legs to leave first.

The three of them looked at Shuizhi, then at their companions on the ground, and hesitated for a while. "Girl, then they..." After all, they are brothers who have eaten, drank and trained together for many years, and they will always feel unbearable.

Shuizhi looked back at the sound, and refused expressionlessly: "Now they are our enemies, we can't take them away. About tonight

(End of this chapter)

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