Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 671 Changting Fu

Chapter 671 Changting Fu

The high society chooses relatives, and the outstanding ones after the selection have the opportunity to become the imperial concubine.But at present, because of the emperor's love for the first emperor and noble concubine, the entire harem has withered into disrepair, so it is only natural for the empress to organize such an event.

The garden party was scheduled to be held in the Royal Garden. The day was sunny, and people began to come here one after another from sunrise. By noon, the central place of the banquet was already very lively.

The emperor didn't care about such things at first, but I don't know how the empress persuaded him this time, he actually agreed to come and have a look after he came down to court.

The so-called garden party, in addition to the beauty comparison between people, naturally there is also a flower bouquet among flowers.As the envoy of flowers from the imperial court, Shuizhi was invited by the queen seven days in advance to serve the flowers and plants in order to ensure the quality of the banquet.

On the day of the banquet, many people came, they were either the second generation of officials or the second generation of emperors, all of them had extraordinary temperament and Bi Huajiao, when they came, Shuizhi was watching.

The queen also spent some thought on this banquet, and wrote a lot of poems and characters to help fans.In this era, it is believed that women's ignorance is virtue, but it is different for these noble people.They not only have to learn poetry, books, etiquette, but also study carefully and thoroughly to be worthy of their noble status.

Shuizhi saw that the crossword puzzles that added to the fun were being solved one by one by the ladies happily, but her gaze was always on Yan Xiuyi who was sitting next to the queen.

Yan Xiuyi is jealous, facing these flowers that are more beautiful than her, she naturally has a bad complexion.But if she is not allowed to come, she will feel even more uncomfortable.

When Shuizhi looked at her, she was stroking her stomach gently, while staring coldly at those laughing young women.

The emperor is indifferent, and he has not favored a few people in the harem. Yan Xiuyi is the one who has been favored the most, but she is not satisfied. People thought she was pregnant, but in fact she had nothing.

The reason why Shuizhi paid attention to her was mainly to see what she would do today.With Yan Xiuyi's personality, Shuizhi guessed that she would not allow this banquet to proceed smoothly.

"The queen is here!" With the eunuch's shout, the crowd's attention was immediately attracted.I saw a graceful and luxurious woman in a golden phoenix robe coming with a smile under the support of the eunuch.

"The concubine has seen the queen."

"The little girl has met the queen, and the queen is blessed and safe."

"The slaves have seen the queen, and the queen is blessed and safe."

A series of voices sounded at the same time, and hundreds of people in the garden saluted the queen at the same time.

Seeing this, the queen seemed very happy, and repeatedly helped everyone get up. "You don't need to be polite, everyone, let's all be at peace. You don't have to take care of me today, and you must return home having fun."

"Thank you, empress." Amidst the voices, everyone stood up and looked up again, returning to their original positions.Because of the special nature of this banquet, so far there are no other men except eunuchs.

The queen sat down with a smile on her face, but she bumped into something suddenly when she was about to say something, and then jumped up with a yell in fright. The black and red poisonous snake raised its head and shot at the queen the moment it was discovered.

The queen's pupils shrank sharply, and she was instantly frightened out of her wits.

(End of this chapter)

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