Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 668 Changting Fu

Chapter 668 Changting Fu

The case of Huayuan's corpse shocked the entire palace. Shuizhi was also investigating the case of the corpse while Fuqu was eating snacks leisurely and instructing the palace staff to clean and restore Fuqu's scene.

Seven days later, Fu Que had basically returned to its original appearance, completely new inside and out, and there was no more dust to be seen. At the same time, new progress had been made in the case of the corpse.

The officials who ordered a thorough investigation found that those corpses were once the emperor's noble concubine and his servants. After the death of the emperor's noble concubine, they were assigned to other places in the palace. Before they died, they all had strange identities. They had seen the imperial concubine and empress. .

Because of this discovery, the deceased imperial concubine suddenly reappeared in front of the public, but in such a strange way, so Shuizhi was the only one who remained in Fuqu without fear.

Because of the emperor's request, Shuizhi moved here from Dongchen Hall, and no one lived with her. The purpose of restoring this place is actually to satisfy everyone's curiosity and the emperor's memory.

Sure enough, there is a luxurious library building in Fuquli. After everything was done, Shuizhi took the time to take a look. Just flipping through a scroll, she suddenly felt a shadow flash past in the building, but after chasing it out, there was nothing.

After going back and forth several times, Shuizhi fortunately put down the scroll and concentrated on waiting for the shadow.But when she was really waiting, the shadow disappeared completely, as if it had never existed before.

Shuizhi knew that someone was playing tricks, but now that she has no martial arts skills, she can only feel aggrieved, especially after meeting a real opponent.

But the news leaked out at some point, and it didn't take long for the palace to start rumors that Fu Qu was haunted, and no one would take the initiative to look for Shuizhi after that.

Three months later in the autumn, the case of the corpse was never understood, but rumors spread about Fuqu's haunting. The emperor didn't know what the emperor thought, but he even ordered Shuizhi to live in Fuqu's building forever, not to step out of it.

When Jingyu saw Shuizhi again, she was leaning against the wooden railing of the Fuqu Pavilion and fell asleep, with a book falling beside her, apparently falling asleep while reading.

He tiptoed over to pick up the book, and found another blanket to cover Shui Zhi. Jing Yu was always careful throughout the whole process to prevent Shui Zhi from waking up suddenly.

The autumn sun was warm but not hot, and it was warm on Shuizhi's body. Jing Yu squatted beside her and watched for a long time before finally leaving reluctantly.

At this time, Shuizhi's dream was not peaceful. She dreamed that she was in a strange space surrounded by broken limbs and arms, and her own hands were dripping with blood. He hugged her behind him, calming her flustered heart in an instant.

Shuizhi opened her eyes, and the blanket on her body fell down.Tilting his head, Huanqing, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, was looking at him not far away. "I'm free today, so I came here specially to chat with you. May I ask Miss Shuizhi, when can I return the things I took from me that day?"

The evidence she had worked so hard to obtain was inexplicably knocked out and taken away that day.She didn't know who was the one who knocked her out beforehand, but she couldn't use it after she found out.

Shuizhi looked at the woman who appeared suddenly, facing the sun, her body was covered with a light halo, from this angle, she looked somewhat similar to the former emperor and noble concubine on the wall.

"What Aunt Huanqing said, I don't know."

 sleepy, good night
(End of this chapter)

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