Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 659 Changting Fu

Chapter 659 Changting Fu

The scroll seems to have been soaked in water, and many of the paints have been diluted and smudged, and the layers are in disorder. It can only be seen that the painting is a graceful woman.

After the scroll was fully unrolled, Shuizhi confirmed that the painting had indeed been soaked in water, and there was a stamp on the edge of the canvas, which was already blurred at this time, but Shuizhi could tell that it was a very unique poem.

Hong Shihuang was lonely after a while, Yan Rucanyu's heart was shaken.

The drunken people on the mountain are dragging their bows, and the wine carp on the river wall is Qi Chuxiao.

The imperial concubine who was once favored by the emperor was named Luo Xinyao.It can be guessed that this painting should be made by the emperor, and then he suggested the words, but it was damaged somehow.

Now that the imperial concubine has passed away, the emperor must miss her so much that he still wants to restore this painting to relieve the pain of lovesickness.But it is very difficult to copy the exact same one just based on this blurred outline.

Sure enough, the emperor spoke slowly, confirming what Shui Zhi thought.

"I have asked many people to restore this painting, and many painters died because of it. But after five years, there is still no work that satisfies me. I saw your painting a few days ago, and I decided to let you try again. If the painting is good, I can try my best to satisfy your wish, if the painting is not good, I will not blame you."

After hearing this, Shui Zhi pursed her lips and nodded. "Okay, Your Majesty, please give this servant three days, and this servant will try her best to draw a work that satisfies His Majesty."

Such a request was not too much, and it was even more straightforward than the emperor expected, so he approved it without hesitation, and then immediately talked about another dangerous topic.

"I heard from the guards that the flower envoy received an old friend last night. But you know, if you do this, you will put him in a dangerous situation just like a year ago."

As the emperor said, he got up and left with his hands behind his back. The bright yellow dragon robe looked particularly dazzling in the sun. Shuizhi narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

The emperor never talked nonsense and did not do useless work. Since he personally warned himself, there must be some other deep and serious reason.

Shuizhi couldn't think of the reason for a moment, she still knew too little, and the things she was responsible for had to be dealt with later.The most urgent thing is to paint this picture first.

The emperor left, Shuizhi looked at the blurred picture scroll, frowned, she was hungry before writing.There are not many professional painters in this era, especially the court painters, who are very skilled. If they can't satisfy the emperor, then it will be difficult for my half-baked paintings to shine.

Thinking of this, Shuizhi simply put down the pen and went to the big kitchen outside to find something to eat, then inspected her flower garden as usual, then took a nap, and started writing when she felt inspired at dusk.

Drawing is not difficult, what is difficult is to draw with style and charm.

The first emperor and noble concubine used to be the courtesan of a brothel, beauty is the norm, but what attracted the emperor most about her was definitely not her simple skin, and what the emperor wanted to remember from this painting was not just a plain and boring face.

So Shuizhi's task is to draw a beauty with a unique temperament based on this vague picture.But she had never seen the imperial concubine, and she couldn't figure it out with just a vague painting, so it was very difficult.

After struggling for a long time, Shuizhi finally decided to draw only by feeling, anyway, the emperor said

(End of this chapter)

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