Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 647 Changting Fu

Chapter 647 Changting Fu

Looking in that direction, Jing Yu moved her fingers slightly, an indescribable loneliness rushed into her heart, but it was covered by another kind of desolate despair.

He remembered that when he was in prison, his father told him that no matter what, he must live, no matter how humble and painful his life was, he must still live.

After many years, these few words are still clear, freezing the meaning of his life.But after so many years, Jing Yu has gradually felt that living is not just for living, but also for realizing some special value of oneself.

And the premise is to have freedom.


When Shui Zhi escaped through many barriers and returned to her room without any risk, the sky had already turned pale white, layer upon layer, accumulating into a light fish-belly white, and she had no time to rest.

On the first day of the transfer, Shuizhi was led by another court lady who had worked here for five years. Her name was Qian He, and she was seven years older than Shuizhi.

Qian He's nature is not bad, but he is polluted by certain ethos in the palace, and he always hopes that one day he will be favored by the emperor and get rid of his humble status.

When Shuizhi just returned to the room and lay down, the door was knocked by Qianhe. She sent Shuizhi two sets of brand new clothes and breakfast, and at the same time explained to Shuizhi the various rules and taboos of Dongchen Palace.

Getting up from the bed, Shuizhi took the things and asked her to come in and sit down, while making the bedding, washing, eating and listening to her talk.In the end, when Qian He finished speaking, Shuizhi was already ready.

Seeing this, Qian He looked at this new girl with admiration.She thought to herself that her hands and feet were so nimble, and she didn't look like a foolish master, so why did she call Yan Guiren to hate punishment and then reassigned to Dongchen Hall to sweep the floor.

Because of the honor and importance of Dongchen Palace, everyone who comes here will be investigated in advance to find out their background, and the fact that Shuizhi was punished and imprisoned by Yan Guiren is naturally known to the person in charge.

Another unwritten rule of Dongchen Palace is that the servants arranged here, except for those specially appointed by the emperor, generally cannot be older than ten years old, because their absolute loyalty and safety can only be guaranteed if they are cultivated from an early age.

Shuizhi is just ten years old this year, Dongchen Palace would not use people from other palaces, but this year is special, there is no suitable candidate in the Personnel Department, so Shuizhi was sent here.

This did not arouse suspicion, because they all knew that Shui Zhi was transferred here after being punished and rejected by Yan Guiren, so they were not very wary of her.

After getting everything ready, Qian He signaled Shuizhi to follow him around to familiarize himself with the environment, and then pointed out the cleaning time and requirements, etc.

Dongchen Palace is huge in scale and extremely luxurious, it is by no means comparable to the Hening Palace of Yan nobles.When Qianhe was introducing Shuizhi in a low voice, many court ladies and eunuchs around were busy in an orderly manner, they were going to wait for the emperor to get up and go to court.

When meeting those people, Qian He took the lead to stand aside in a sensible way and bowed his head to salute, and Shui Zhi followed her example.When those people had gone far away, Qian He looked at the gradually blurred shadows over there, and envy could not be restrained in his eyes.

Shuizhi saw this scene in his eyes, but just kept his head down calmly, didn't ask any questions, and didn't say anything.After a while, Qianhe withdrew his eyes and thoughts, and turned to Shuizhi:
 Ding ~ Daily check-in, the update is complete, good night fairies

(End of this chapter)

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