Chapter 612 Begonia
So this obsession is not a good intention.

That banquet was only half successful because of Zi Shutang.The old lady finally brought this unworthy illegitimate child to the fore, but unfortunately, she did not leave a deep impression on everyone.

The default heir of the Zishu family in those high schools is still the girl who cried for her mother and hurt her eyes.This also affected the progress of Zi Shuhan's involvement in the family business to a certain extent.

After that, Zi Shulian only occasionally took him out for entertainment, and he didn't even have a chance to show his face in important business negotiations.The days seemed to have become more ordinary. Zi Shulian and the old lady would occasionally think of Zi Shutang who lived in Rose House, but they just remembered it and didn't pay much attention to it.

However, they forgot that the girl who moved out once gave them an ultimatum, demanding that Xu Ying's property be returned.This incident only made Zi Shulian and the old lady feel a little bit of joy in their hearts, and then they quietly forgot about it.

They forgot, but Zi Shutang did not.The dilapidated tile-roofed house area ten miles away from the edge of Haishi.It was blasted by explosives before, and the original residents have been evacuated. Now it is a gathering place for refugees.

Qingye followed behind her own lady, holding her nose and walking with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and there were many people lying on both sides.Most of them are dying, from starvation, from various injuries caused by exile.

"Miss, what are we doing here? There are refugees here. If something happens, I won't be able to explain to Madam after I die and go underground."

Aoba covered her nose and mouth, her voice was muffled.The place stinks, and she can't stand it.Moreover, some of these people were dying, and some wounds festered and even attracted many flies.

Such a hot weather, if these people don't deal with it reasonably, it may cause plague.The young lady is already weak, if she gets infected, she doesn't know how much she will suffer.

Besides, many of these people are desperadoes. If they suddenly do something evil, how can she and the young lady, two weak women, resist it!
Aoba was thinking indiscriminately, with all kinds of conflicts in her heart, but her worried young lady seemed to have not heard her words, and continued walking without changing her expression.

As Zi Shutang walked, he observed all the surrounding scenes, his eyes lingered on those weak people, and he would meet them with various expressions of fear, vigilance, envy, doubt, or emptiness.

These people are all exiles from other places.Now in this land of China, most places are experiencing the baptism of artillery fire.And these people are either broken up, their wives are separated, or they are homeless and wandering around the world.

Zeng Zishuhan and his mother belong to the second category.

Zi Shutang turned a blind eye to Qingye's complaints.She came here for a very important matter, she has no power to use, but she has money, so she chooses to cultivate talents by herself.

After wandering around here for a long time, Zi Shutang finally found hundreds of people with cultivation value, tried every means to avoid the eyes and ears of the national government, and gathered them all in a big mountain outside Haishi City for training.

These people include men and women, young and old. They were forced into exile by various factors, and were brought together by Zi Shutang with money and food as bait.

(End of this chapter)

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