Chapter 599 Begonia
After realizing it, it was the old master who apologized first.In this way, the original estrangement will be eliminated, and there will be more appreciation in the conversation.

These few are all sons of certain families in Haishi. Although they are not in the family business, they were forced by their families to attend this networking banquet.Then, because I really didn't have the heart to act on the occasion, I gathered in this corner, chatting and laughing, waiting for the meeting to end.

Many people have already come to the venue. This time, the old lady has invited almost all the celebrities in the entire sea city. By this time, they have basically gathered, but there are always some people still on the way, so everyone eats, drinks, chats and walks around, but the focus of the banquet is did not start.

Zi Shutang had nothing to do anyway, so he chatted with the students in front of him about his ideals. After a while, these people were admired by her broad vision and profound study time.

At all times and in all over the world, no matter what topic they are talking about, she can easily pick up and express her incisive and unique insights. At the same time, she can describe many things that even they don't know, which deeply attracts them.

Such a person is simply not to be admired too much.

However, in fact, the other party is just a 15-year-old daughter.Her face is like a peach blossom, charming and charming. When looking at her, she will be attracted by the brilliance in her eyes. This kind of contrast is simply magical and makes people feel a little at a loss.

After some time, there was a commotion at the entrance of the hall, the music in the venue suddenly stopped, the expression of the woman singing on the stage changed, and her voice stopped instantly.

The crowd quieted down, and one after another involuntarily gave way to a passage. Yang Zhenchuan, who was dressed in a dark green military uniform with a hideous scar on his face, strode towards Zishu in the center of the venue, followed by one or two of his subordinates. Lian went.

This person was Marshal Yang who had just returned from the battlefield in the northwest region. He was nearly 50 years old and had experienced many battles. In terms of military rank, no one in Haishi could match him. Naturally, no one dared to provoke him.

He walked straight up to Zi Shulian, punched him on the shoulder, and then shook his shoulders with both hands, his expression suddenly changed from serious to happy.

"Dude, it's been a long time since you've been enjoying yourself! You're doing well now, the kids are in their teens, and mine is still playing in the mud!"

Facing a burly soldier, the thin Zi Shulian was directly lifted up. He felt that his bones would fall apart after being shaken a few times, but he still responded with a smile on his face.

"What are you laughing at? You are the one who is happy. I can do business safely only by relying on you." Zi Shulian smiled miserably, and Yang Zhenchuan finally let go of him, which made him feel better.

"Why am I so happy! I go to the battlefield every day and see more dead people than living people. I don't want to be so tired in the future. Hey, by the way, where is your little Haitang? I haven't seen her for a long time. It's been ten years." Huh? Miss her. My monkey makes trouble for me every day, so it's better to be a girl!"

Yang Zhenchuan got married late, and when he was old, his son loved him very much, so he became a bit spoiled. Now he is only nine years old and he has become a master who is not afraid of anything. It's better for the daughter to be quiet, the daughter is quiet, and it will save trouble!

However, when he said this, Zi Shulian's expression became a little uneasy.The old lady probably didn't tell him that this was her son's birthday party before inviting him, and the marshal probably thought the protagonist was Zi Shutang.

 At the end of the fourth update, the violent little Begonia is on the stage, votes are welcome

(End of this chapter)

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