Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 577 Fan Wai (Xu Zixu)

Chapter 577 Fan Wai (Xu Zixu)

The spring sun shines from the branches of the sweet-scented osmanthus trees in the garden, illuminating the moss in the corners of the slate ravines. Last night’s raindrops have not yet dried up, and a crystal drop of water hangs under the eaves. The sun reflects the dazzling light, which is dazzling.

The fresh scent of peach blossom mixed with soil floated in the air. I picked up the flower pot in the corner of the courtyard and watered the white peonies placed in the eaves one by one.

"Zixu, the wine is ready. I'm going to sell it in the town. You wait, and I'll bring you your favorite glutinous rice dumpling later." The door of the side room was pushed open, and my husband Li Yuxi stepped forward. He came out, holding two jugs of intoxicating aroma in his hands, the corners of his mouth were wide open, and the stubble seemed to be laughing.

I nodded, put down the flower pot in my hand, and smiled. "Well, go quickly, I made soup for you, and you can drink it when you come back."

I am Xu Zixu, the granddaughter of Xu Wenzi, once the most honorable queen of Chuyang Kingdom.But now, I am just the most ordinary woman in this alley, living the most ordinary life with the man I love.

All of this is thanks to the spring festival and the kindest girl more than ten years ago.If it wasn't for that spring festival, I wouldn't have known the most important friend in my life——Bai Ziling.

My grandfather Xu Wenzi became famous when he was young, and he was a well-known master in Central Chu. When he was old, he taught many students, including Li Yuxi and Jin Yu, two men who have been entangled with me.

When I fell in love with Li Yuxi, I was just a young lady of the Xu family, and liking him was a youthful admiration.Grandpa treated me very well, he often held me in his palm and cared for me, he taught me everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to Confucianism, but he didn't allow me to practice martial arts, he was afraid that I would get hurt, and he was also afraid that I would have troubles in the future.

Therefore, I am very envious of senior brother Li Anxi who can practice sword freely under the flowers. I often watch him practice sword for a whole morning.But later, when he went to the battlefield, his grandfather brought back another person, Jin Yu, the crown prince of Chu Yang.

Because of Jin Yu, grandpa became a grand master from a grand master, and my nightmare also began at that time.Prince Jin Yu is very smart and tenacious. In his bones, there is a kind of indifference and persistence unique to the royal family. He doesn't know when he started to look at me like he was looking at prey.

I am afraid and disgusted by that gaze, and at the same time, I am afraid of his identity, so I dare not tell anyone, including grandpa.I am afraid that speaking out will hurt my relatives.

That spring festival, my grandfather saw that I was often depressed and took me to go together. When passing by Changbai Mountain, I was attracted by the pure and vast beauty, stopped to play, and rescued Ling'er who was still a fox.

She was saved because of instinctive pity, and secondly, the arrow that hit her was clearly Jin Yu's privately used feathered arrow.When I held her in my arms, in the snow behind my grandfather, I saw Jin Yu, who was carrying the sword pot, turn and leave.

Fate is such a wonderful thing. The woman I rescued unintentionally turned out to be the person who changed the destiny of my life.The world says monsters are cruel and ruthless, but Linger is the best girl I know.

Later, I became the queen of Chuyang, and was trapped in the palace by Jin Yu, and my family also became a victim of his consolidation of power.During those days in Shangyuan Temple, I was his captive canary, without freedom and soul.

I didn't expect that when the whole world abandoned me, Ling'er dressed in white broke through many difficulties, put himself in prison and rescued me, and went through all kinds of difficulties to send the man I admired to me.

The sun was shining brightly, and the glistening drop of water under the eaves finally fell, hitting the ravine built by the stone slabs, nourishing a cluster of small moss.

Grandpa once taught me that in life, rights, money, status, and reputation are all floating clouds, which will make people lost and lose themselves.The most important thing in life is to follow your heart and protect kindness.

I looked up at the misty white clouds in the sky, and I am very grateful to the woman who knocked on the door of my heart and brought me hope when I was immersed in darkness, unable to escape the pain, and was about to be swallowed by despair deep in my heart.

Thank you, Bai Ziling.

 Xiaoxiao hopes that there is a kindness in everyone's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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