Chapter 559
So General Xia suggested that each team could send a representative to the stage. At the beginning, only a few people stood up, and the young man who was the first to speak out jumped onto the stage in one fell swoop.

On the high training stage, the two stood facing each other, while Mu Xiu, General Xia and others consciously retreated to the side.

After the young man came to power, he saluted first and then served as a soldier. After all, the other party was a woman, and she was the future Crown Princess. Although he was dissatisfied, he still bowed his hands respectfully and performed a standard salute. This is the basic quality of a soldier. "Miss Bai, let me ask you for the most basic strategy of managing troops."

The wind blew up Ziling's red dress, making a fluttering sound, she nodded, and the game of resourcefulness officially began.The young man first asked Zi Ling about the 36 basic strategies of a military strategist. Zi Ling not only answered, but also gave an incisive explanation.

After struggling and thinking for a long time, he couldn't help admiring him. He conceded defeat and jumped off the stage in shame.At the same time, more people's blood was aroused, and those who were worried before launched an offensive unceremoniously, and no longer regarded the other party as an ordinary weak woman.

Ziling spent a whole hour to verbally battle the heroes, and when it was over, everyone was impressed by her intelligence and vision.Wen's was convinced, but Wu's was not necessarily so, so a group of soldiers who were deeply hit were eager to try again.

Unexpectedly, it was even worse this time. No one had tried three tricks in the hands of this stunning beauty, and was almost kicked offstage with one kick.

At the height of the sun, everyone was dumbfounded. No one thought that such a seemingly weak woman was actually capable of both civil and martial arts. If her appearance was ignored and people imagined it, no one would have thought that she was actually a A soft and weak woman.

Looking at the mourning soldiers piled up like hills in the audience, and looking at the woman in red who still had a calm expression on her face, General Xia's eyelids twitched wildly. juniors.

It really is a dreadful future.He now somewhat believes the rumors of the Celestial Dynasty.If it is not a demon, why is it so powerful!
After the consultation, General Xia came to power again. "Now, does anyone have any objections?" There was no sound below.General Xia glanced across the vast army and confirmed it again. There was no objection, so he announced that Bai Ziling had been confirmed as the crucial position of commander-in-chief.

Afterwards, General Xia rambled on about some arrangements, but they had nothing to do with Zi Ling. As the coach, Mu Xiu couldn't leave, so she walked back to the camp by herself.As soon as she entered, the suppressed abstinence in her body could no longer be controlled, gushing out, instantly knocking her back to her original shape.

Zi Ling shrank into the quilt and turned into a snow-white ball.

Ever since she got rid of Mu Xuan that day, she never replenished her strength, even though she ate some food with Mu Xiu, it was meaningless at all.She spent some energy in the competition just now, and now she can clearly feel the weakness and arrogance in her body.

This feeling is like the lightness of fine sand flowing through the fingertips, like the despair of burning flames.The direct consequence of not being able to replenish her physical strength is that she loses her strength, turns into her original form, and then runs out of life in the passage of time.

Xuehu, who has become a monster since ancient times, has only two choices, either continue to harm people and become a demon, or die quietly when his vitality is exhausted.

Ziling can't condone her harming others for no reason, nor can she tolerate her bottomless depravity, so she chooses to delay time with her life, and only wants to complete the task before she dies.

 Four is over, good night

(End of this chapter)

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