Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 54 Extra Chapter "Chaoyue"

Chapter 54 Extra Story "Chaoyue"

When the time was stretched by the dim light and shadow, the night was approaching, and I looked at the distant starry sky outside the temple, I realized that the furthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of you, but you don’t know that I love you, but But no matter how much time and energy I spend, I can't bring you back. Even if I have become the most supreme person in the world, I can only miss you over and over again in the memories I will always remember.

I am Chaoyue, the current Qilu Emperor.

Yueshou Qilu, I really got this world, but I am not happy.

"Your Majesty, it's cold, let's go back."

There was a woman's strange but familiar voice next to my ears. I raised my eyes to see her. She was a beautiful woman with picturesque features. Gu Panjian was very similar to her, but it was not her after all.

She is Su Ziling, someone I have no time to cherish.

I squinted my eyes, raised my hand and drank the wine in the glass. The scorching liquid rolled down my throat, my gaze skipped over the carved portrait on the wall, and I dimly recalled the first time I met her again.

It was the most ordinary night in Moon Tower in summer. I came out of the palace, stood on the fence of the pavilion and looked into the distance. The night was connected with the river. I thought, that would be a turning point in my life.

I searched for him thousands of times in the crowd, but when I suddenly looked back, that person was in a dimly lit place... I didn't look for her at that time, but I saw her also in a dimly lit place.

At that time, she was dressed in men's clothing, followed by thrush, her long hair was tied up, and her eyes were cold and piercing.The crowd was crowded, but I saw her at a glance. The lights flickered on and off, and her figure was indistinct. After many years, it became the deepest impression in my memory.

Thinking of this, I raised the corners of my lips and took a sip of wine, feeling bitter in my heart.The past is like the wind, and it is vivid in my mind. Even though I have been away for so long, I still remember the most beautiful appearance at the beginning.

I raised my hand to pour wine, but my wrist was held. Looking back, it was the woman who spoke before. She is my concubine, the woman most similar to Zi Ling in the entire dynasty.

"Your Majesty, you can't drink any more."

Her voice was a little clear, like a mountain spring flowing through her heart, with a slight coolness.She looked at me, her pitch-black eyes were clear to the bottom, shining like stars.


Throwing her away unceremoniously, I suddenly felt bored in my heart.

—I'm tired of myself.

I have loved someone for many, many years, but one day, when she left, my heart suddenly became empty, and I didn't know who else I could love.

Sitting on the throne, I can choose any woman in the world, but when I look at those exquisite faces, I only think about her.

In fact, I was sorry for her first. I made a deal with her, just using her. When I found out that I liked her, I asked my concubine to marry her, but I was very happy but was cruelly rejected.

Then I realized that she was just using me.This is really a cruel fact. I know she doesn't love me, but I still can't let her go.

When I was young, my greatest wish was to become an emperor. I thought that as long as I sat in this position, my life would be perfect, but I just thought that, in fact, even if I sat in this position, I still could not control my life.

I remember that day, Xiu Yirong took my place to deal with the third elder brother Chaolan, and I led people to wait quietly under the Zou Temple, waiting for the girl to return safely, but in the end, the sky was filled with flames.

The third brother hated me to the bone, but she was buried with her.

Xu Shi was frightened, but Xu Shi was already used to it, the concubine beside him retreated, with tears in her eyes.

The glorious hall was empty, and there was a faint fragrance of plum. I put down the wine glass, and the coldness spread from the bottom of my heart, eroding my limbs and bones little by little.

I got up and walked out of the hall, outside was a dark red plum grove, the night sky tonight was extraordinarily clear, the stars twinkled, eyes closed, and tears flowed across.

After she left, the whole winter was extremely lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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