Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 511 Queen of Shadows Little Fairy (End)

Chapter 511 Queen of Shadows Little Fairy (End)
As soon as Gu Lijin returned to China, she signed a contract with a well-known international film company to act as one of the two heroines in a well-produced movie. This large-scale sci-fi movie aroused enthusiastic responses as soon as it was released, and exploded the box office. , and her wonderful performance in it is even more remarkable.

Because of this movie, Gu Lijin enjoys a high reputation in the world, even more famous than Xia Bing before.What is most admirable about her is that besides her super high acting skills, fluent foreign languages, and profound lines skills, she also has a strong skill that no one else can match.

No matter what kind of action scenes are filmed, she is very handy and does not need a stand-in at all. This is very important to foreign directors, and more and more cooperations are actively looking for her.

Of course, there are also those who are not only interested in her skills, but also in her acting skills.An internationally renowned director once jokingly said that Gu's performance can instantly bring the audience into the realm she created, just like magic.

By this time, the trophies that Gu Lijin had won were countless, but the one that belonged to the actress was still vacant.

Another year later, while taking care of her domestic career, Gu Lijin participated in another foreign movie called A Deserted Island, in which she played the cannibal saint. This movie finally pushed her to the top of the list. The throne of the actress.

Since then, Gu Lijin's status in the entertainment circle has never been surpassed by anyone, even Xia Bingdu Zhichu and others, who were extremely popular back then, can only look up to them.

Afterwards, Gu Lijin stopped and handed over the management of her studio to her younger sister Gu Zike, assisted by Yang Cheng, while she took Gu's mother on a wandering vacation all over the world.

After about ten years, the name Gu Lijin became a legend in the circle.Afterwards, when people mentioned her, they all admired her. Only a few people like Xia Bing still remembered her downfall.

When it comes to Gu Lijin, one has to mention the famous singer Qiu Shaoyu.This talented man has now become a well-known music producer at home and abroad.For more than ten years, from the first scandal to the present, he still likes Gu Lijin.

On a certain domestic music variety show, a fan confessed to him on the spot, but he refused without hesitation.

This female fan's family background is not shallow, and she is self-conscious and arrogant, so she asked unwillingly: "After all these years, Ms. Gu still doesn't love you, why can't she try to accept other people?"

Qiu Shaoyu just smiled: "I will not like anyone else except Gu Lijin. Whether she refuses or accepts it or not, I like her. Even if it is only a regret, I have no regrets." .”

Some love is destined to be a matter of only one person. Even if there is only one regret in the end, I have no regrets.

Gu Lijin, who was sunbathing with Gu's mother somewhere in the world, just laughed it off when she heard the story told by her younger sister Gu Zike.

"He has his persistence, and I also have mine. In a sense, I am the same person as him, but we cannot be together in the end."

Gu Lijin responded to Gu Zike in this way, and responded to everyone in the same way.

Ten years later, Gu's mother passed away. Gu Lijin went to the temple to pray for her, and accidentally saw the dusty altar at the Buddha's feet.The elder had passed away back then, and the altar just lay here quietly.

"Mom, come quickly, the Buddha is here." An immature female voice sounded from behind, and Gu Lijin turned around, only to see a delicate and pretty little girl cheerfully rushing in from outside and throwing herself on the futon to kneel down. Qingya was exactly the same back then.

Gu Lijin looked at the woman following behind the girl, and saw that she looked at her daughter lovingly, walked past her, knelt down in front of the futon next to her daughter, and worshiped three times devoutly .

After coming out of the temple, Gu Lijin breathed a sigh of relief, and on the way down the mountain, he took off the Qiuhu Qianmian on his face, and his exquisite face was no different from 20 years ago.

After walking for a while, Qiu Shaotun waved to her on the gazebo beside the mountain road, motioning her to go and see the magnificent mountain scenery.They didn't become lovers, but they became friends.

Two glamorous and famous people, one never married and the other never married.

 Aha, this interface is over, the next Fox Monster Confused World, about Qiu Shaoyu, he is a foreshadowing, take your time
(End of this chapter)

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