Chapter 486

It's a pity that she insisted on letting you go before she even met you.

Qiu Shaoyu didn't say anything later, it was his own fault that Xia Bing fired Gu Lijin because of himself, and he was sorry for her.

Glancing at him indifferently, Gu Lijin didn't say anything, but tugged at his sleeve. "Let's go, let's go eat first." The lunch box delivery time on the set is limited, and if you go late, you won't have anything to eat.

The sleeves were pulled up gently, a strange feeling overflowed in my heart, Qiu Shaoyu didn't resist, and let her pull herself out so naturally and intimately.

Not far away, Yang Cheng watched the scene quietly, and after the two of them left, he turned around and left slowly.

On the set, the people who were eating boxed lunch saw the scene before them, their eyes widened in surprise, and then they reacted and immediately looked away as if they hadn't seen anything.

When Qiu Shaoyu's manager saw his little master coming out like this, he just offered a boxed lunch with a blank face. In the past few months, he finally recognized the fact that Qiu Shaoyu had intentions for Gu Lijin .

No matter what the intention is, whether it's pure affection, curiosity, or liking, the manager can't stop it, and can't change it.

When Jiang Yiyan saw this scene, she just pursed her lips lightly, and a trace of relief flashed in her eyes, and she understood the cause and effect, but she didn't want to participate in or criticize this kind of thing, so she just buried her head in eating, as if she didn't do anything Know.

The first day's scenes were neither too much nor too little. When all the filming was finished, the crew members were surprised to find that as long as Gu Lijin participated in the part, it was all done in one go.

The role she plays seems to be the character itself, every movement and expression is real and natural, and the people who play with her can easily enter the state. This is probably the smoothest day of filming.

In the evening, everyone stayed in the hotel arranged by the film crew. In the middle of the night, Gu Lijin took a shower and was about to go to bed when there was a knock on the door. When he opened it, it was Qiu Shaoyu who was carrying red wine and a wine glass.

Gu Lijin raised his eyebrows. From the first time they met, he treated himself as if he were a very close friend. Every movement and language seemed proficient and natural, as if he was his long-lost brother.

But in fact, I have nothing to do with him at all. At most, I am only his scandal object. I believe that in terms of his fame and status, his existence is not very good for him.

Seeing him coming like this, Gu Lijin can think of tomorrow's headlines without even thinking about it—shock!The famous movie star Qiu Shaoyu even had a late-night drinking party with the rumored object. Is your husband really famous?

Gu Lijin believes that at this moment, there must be many eyes staring at him and himself around the hotel, but it seems that he doesn't care at all.

"It's okay, I just want to ask you for a few drinks, beautiful wine, beautiful woman, spring night is short, why don't you let me in?" He is not afraid of ruining his reputation even if he is a big star, so what is he afraid of for a little actor with nothing? Woolen cloth?

Gu Lijin thought so, so she rolled her eyes and let him into her room.

This time she played the role of the female number two. I don't know if it was intentional or not, and the treatment was much better than before. At least she lived in a separate room this time, and she didn't live with anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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