Chapter 469

After finishing speaking, Gu Zike reluctantly turned around and went back to school. Gu Lijin watched her thin back disappear into the green ginkgo trees on campus, feeling inexplicably soft in her heart.

Gu Lijin didn't go home, but found an Internet cafe nearby, first earned some money by playing games for others, then opened a computer by himself, and continued to work on his empty-handed White Wolf series.

In fact, she has more direct ways to make money, such as hacking other people's accounts to steal funds. With her current technology, she can do it without leaving any traces, so that people can't find her, but doing so violates the bottom line of morality. So she didn't think about it at all.

There are many schools in the city built near here, forming a school of learning here, and also allowing countless businesses to see business opportunities, and set up corresponding supporting stores nearby, such as this Internet cafe, which earns student money. Although it was class time at this time, there were not a few teenagers in the Internet cafe.

The Internet cafe was dimly lit, and when Gu Lijin came in, no one noticed her. What surprised people later was her fluent and superb game operation skills. As soon as she came in, she threatened to help play for her, and the fee was not expensive. She was dubious, but in the end she was shown off by her skills, and she was so impressed.

"Beautiful sister, just help me play one more round, and I'll give you three times the commission." When Gu Lijin was busy with her life, a few boys came up behind her and refused to leave for a long time, and one of them begged with a sad face.

Except for the free one round of the level test when he came in, Gu Lijin only played three rounds later, and each round was charged [-], which was only enough for him to surf the Internet in this Internet cafe until Gu Zike finished school.

This is also her main purpose, just to earn some internet fees, otherwise she wouldn't have thought so much about playing on behalf of her.Annoyed by a few boys, Gu Lijin turned around, turned his gaze from a few strange boys, pointed to the complicated charts and graphs on his computer, and said:
"See? This thing is worth 300 million. If you can pay the money for it, I'll give it up and send it to you, OK?"

300 million, this figure directly stunned a few inexperienced students, and then consciously coaxed them to disperse. Gu Lijin only heard them whispering softly about what they were bragging about. They are so rich that they even make 20 yuan a time .

Turning around, Gu Lijin didn't care about them, and concentrated on her own affairs until ten o'clock in the evening, guessing that Gu Zike's evening practice should be over, so she left the Internet cafe to go home with her.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the street outside the Internet cafe was already lit up. It was already very late, and most of the students had finished their studies and returned home, and the street was empty.

The orange street lamps elongated Gu Lijin's thin back, and the night wind was bleak, bringing a slight chill through the thin shirt. The solemn and solemn college during the day was like a beast crawling in the night, quiet and arrogant.

The guard guard told Gu Lijin that the last batch of students who were studying in the third year of senior high school had just left, and Gu Zike had already left on a bicycle. Hearing this, Gu Lijin hurriedly chased after her on the way home.

It is a little far from school to home. In my memory, Gu Zike often took an old alley to take a shortcut. Gu Lijin thought that it would be too late to catch up now.

Ten minutes later, Gu Lijin arrived in the dark alley, looking from the entrance, it was as black as ink.

(End of this chapter)

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