Chapter 436
"Let me come, you go and complete the task he ordered." Ye Junxie hugged Mu Qingchen horizontally, Baili glanced at his unconscious master, and turned his head to the valley on the other side of the dense forest behind him.

Holding Mu Qingchen in his arms, Ye Junxie raised his eyes to look at Ruoxi who was next to her. At this time, her face was no longer as cheerful as before, her delicate face was slightly pale, her lips were tightly pursed, and her eyes were hesitant.

"I..." Ruoxi opened her lips, but for a moment she didn't know what to say. "Your father is looking for you. Go back to Qingshui Villa. Mu Qingchen, I will take care of you." Ye Junxie took her words, hugged Mu Qingchen, and disappeared step by step into the depths of the dark forest.

Ruoxi stood there for a long time, while a man in black quietly protected her not far away.Ruoxi knew about the enmity between the Red Clothes Sect and Qingshui Villa. She never expected that the person she saved behind her father's back was the leader of the Red Clothes Sect.

So, will Ye Junxie take revenge on Qingshui Villa?Will his father become the dead soul of his subordinates?What if the father finds out about this?

Many thoughts flashed through Ruoxi's mind, and her heart was in a mess.Chi has been waiting for her in the distance, and all the subordinates of the Red Clothes Sect know that this girl Ruoxi is the savior of the Sect Leader, and she is also the only person whom the Sect Leader treats differently.

On the other side, in the valley of the Five Poison Sect, although the old leader and the saint were killed by Ye Junxie, the ordinary congregants in the valley didn't know about it and continued to patrol as usual.

Ever since the Five Poison Sect became involved with the royal family, these people have lost a bit of arrogance and become more arrogant and conceited. They don't even know that death is just around the corner.

The buildings in the valley are luxurious, Baili Qinggong is excellent, and he drives straight all the way, and the ordinary congregation can't find him at all.Arriving at the place of detention that had already been investigated, Baili set fire to several other buildings and caused chaos, then sneaked into the dungeon to rescue Qian Ren.

At this time, Qian Ren was lying dying in the dark dungeon, and he didn't know what the five poisons had taught him to feed him, so that he lost all his martial arts and consciousness.

At the beginning, the congregational maiden took him from the woods, on the one hand to lure Mu Qingchen to show up, on the other hand, she wanted to find out more hidden forces of King Yan, but she didn't expect that although Qian Ren was not a steel-framed man, But even though he was tortured by others, he didn't say a word.

Presumably, he angered the people of the Five Poisons Sect, so they poured all kinds of poisons on him, and he would rather die than betray his master.

When Baili rescued Qian Ren, he had almost lost consciousness, his eyes could only open a very thin slit, and when he saw Baili, he opened his mouth with difficulty.

"Baili, tell the prince that the queen mother and the emperor have not found out the power of the Yan Palace, Qian Ren, Qian Ren didn't say anything."

His voice was very thin and light, and Baili nodded. "My lord knows, my lord sent me to pick you up." The brothers understood each other's loyalty very well, and neither of them would betray the lord.

Coming out of the dungeon, the entire valley was in chaos. A large number of red-clothed subordinates with rusty collars of the other shore flower were clearing the way for Baili in the valley. One of the consuls was one of the four guardians. Here, he nodded slightly.

"The leader has ordered me to take over the valley of the Five Poison Sect. The mirror for protecting the heart has been delivered to Prince Yan. If you have anything else, I can help you complete it."

Hearing this, Baili shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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