Chapter 356
The implication is to give her a chance to prove her ability.

However, Mu Lianyan stirred the coffee lightly and took a sip without lifting his head.

"But why should I give you a chance? I'm a businessman, not a gambler."

In business talk business, since you are a businessman, you must maximize your benefits.

Ziling's so-called bet is worthless in Mu Lianyan's eyes, because Tianyu will never lack a sweeper, and he doesn't need to spend a lot of trouble to find a sweeper.

"So what do you want?"

Ziling frowned and asked back, thinking that he is indeed the executive director of Tianyu Group, he is very clear about his position, and of course he is not so easy to be fooled.

Mu Lianyan rubbed the rim of the coffee cup with his fingertips, seemed to be thinking seriously for a while, then raised his eyes, his bright and star-like eyes were stained with a smile.

"I don't bet with you, but I can give you a chance. As you wish, I will pick the most difficult case for you to handle. If the result satisfies me, I will hire you with a high salary to work in Tianyu Group. I will work in your position and support you to overthrow Fengxing with Tianyu's background, if the result is not satisfactory to me, then you will stay by my side for the rest of your life and serve me tea and water."

At the end, the corners of Mu Lianyan's lips curled into a crooked arc, and he smiled unabashedly.

Zi Ling pursed her lips, and today she finally learned what is meant by the real "no business, no adultery".He said he wouldn't bet with her, but he involved her whole life in his words, and he said it very grandly.

"If senior sister Ziyan is unwilling, you can go out now and turn left to leave here."

Mu Lianyan said calmly, but he knew very well in his heart that she couldn't get out of this door.Because of the current situation, in the entire Qiyan City, only Tianyu Group can provide her with the help she wants, such as funds, power, and connections.

Ziling really nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I promise you."

"Susan, bring the design and sales documents of Tianli jewelry pink diamonds to Ms. Feng Ziyan." As soon as Ziling agreed, Mu Lianyan immediately beckoned for the female secretary to bring the documents. "This is your only chance. Take it back and take a good look. I'll give you five days. I hope you won't let me down."

Under Mu Lianyan's gaze, Ziling took the blue folder from Susan's hand, flipped through it a few times, and then closed it calmly and put it away.

"Thank you, then I will go first, and I will give you a satisfactory answer in five days."

Mu Lianyan leaned against the sofa with his legs crossed.

"Susan, see off."

The pain in his leg got worse, and Zi Lingqiang endured the pain and got up to leave. Just as he stood up, he suddenly remembered another thing.

"Mr. Mu Lianyan, please don't call me Senior Sister or Feng Ziyan from now on. Starting today, I will change back to my original name, Ling Ziyan, you can call me Ziyan."

After Ziling finished speaking, she walked out of the lounge under the leadership of the female secretary, but did not notice that Mu Lianyan behind her was looking at her with dark eyes.


In the early morning of the next day, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it started to rain. The glass doors were not fully closed, and the dewy cool wind blew from the balcony garden into the house. The raindrops fell on the edge of the carpet, and Zi Ling was awakened , Take out your phone to see it's only 05:30 in the morning.

The rainy days in late autumn are extremely cold.

Zi Ling got up and closed the partition glass door, and drew the tulle and light-shielding and sound-proof curtains. The bedroom was immediately warmer and quieter.

 [Crying] Once again, Xiaoxiao has decided to delay the draft. From now on, she will no longer fix the update time, when will it be written, and when will it be updated. Thank you for your support all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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