Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 345 Doomsday Crisis 47

Chapter 345 Doomsday Crisis 47
After coming here a few months ago, Zi Ling opened the Lantian Jade, and found that there was not a single drop of psychic liquid in it except Ning Qing's weapons and belongings, as well as the corpses of several supernatural beings. No wonder Ning Qing couldn't use the psychic liquid Eliminate the zombie virus in your body.

Ziling didn't know the reason, but after she cleaned out the corpses of the supernatural beings and other messy things in the space, the texture of the jade became much better. At that time, it actually slowly overflowed.

Probably the environment of the space determines the existence of the ectoplasmic liquid. Zi Ling sighed that it was a hypocritical treasure. After Ning Qing became a zombie, he began to store corpses in the space, which probably led to the disappearance of the psychic liquid.

Afterwards, while nourishing Shuqing with psychic liquid, Zi Ling began to study whether it could eliminate the zombie virus. The answer was very surprising. Zi Ling recruited zombies to try the psychic liquid, but the zombies died immediately, so scared that Zi Ling almost thought I took a fake psychic liquid myself.

The second time, Ziling diluted the spiritual liquid with water, but it still failed. Diluting too much is a great tonic for zombies, which can make them energetic, but diluting too little is very poisonous to them, and they will die straight away. If it is just right, it has no effect at all, just like drinking a bowl of plain water.

The third time Zi Ling tried to mix his own blood with water, but the result was still useless. The experimental zombie woke up for a while, and suddenly his eyes burst into red and he was so crazy that he even gnawed on his other zombies.

Ziling was exhausted physically and mentally.

Afterwards, Ziling began to combine the knowledge of medicine and chemistry to prepare the original solution. After several failures, she almost collapsed. After all, she is not a professional in this, and the prepared liquid may even explode.

Horrible and poisonous!

After being discouraged for a few days, Ziling suddenly remembered that Shuqing said that he had done three years of research on eradicating zombie viruses?Maybe it will be useful or not.

So Ziling dug out the information that those people had handed to Shuqing to carry with him, and prepared their research results according to the notes and instructions, a colorless and transparent liquid, and then added the Lantian Jade Spirit Liquid. The zombies have successfully restored most of the consciousness of human civilization and the performance of the body.

This is good news, so Ziling improved on the basis of research by Shuqing and others. It was once said that standing on the shoulders of giants can look farther, Ziling finally succeeded in making such a shallow tube. Blue stock solution.

Ziling looked back, and Shuqing was still lying calmly, pursing his lips. Ziling raised his hand to attract two zombies, and divided the light blue liquid into two parts for them to drink.

If it succeeds, Shu Qing will be very happy.

Zi Ling thought, the two zombies had already swallowed the light blue liquid, and suddenly they began to dance and babble, their stiff limbs writhed uneasily, and suddenly fell to the ground and rolled around.

Seeing this, Ziling was taken aback. Could it be that some poison was formulated?
However, the speed of the two zombies gradually slowed down as they rolled, the broken wounds on their bodies recovered slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the gray and white dry skin gradually recovered.

The two zombies lay on the ground for a long time, and Ziling waited quietly for the result. After twelve hours passed, their body surface was back to normal. After another three hours, the two opened their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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