Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 342 Doomsday Crisis 44

Chapter 342 Doomsday Crisis 44
During this period of time in the space, she was slowly roasted on the fire by the spirit frame, tortured like a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​​​blazes, but her body would not die, and she would recover from the injury, recover and be scorched again, and the torture was repeated.

Its cruelty is no less cruel than Ling Chi, she is now subconsciously afraid of flames.

Ning Qing kept silent, even if she was afraid, she couldn't easily hand over the Lantian Jade, because Ning Qing who lost the Lantian Jade, how is it different from ordinary people?
If the result of rebirth is still like this, then why did God want her to be reborn.

In her previous life, she seemed to live a glamorous life, but in fact, she was always imperfect. She finally survived until she was old and died and waited for her rebirth. She used Yisheng to obtain Lantian Jade in advance, but she ended up with a worse result than her previous life.

Ning Qing felt very unwilling.

Seeing her firm appearance, Ziling guessed that she would not let go easily. In this case, it is better to let Shuqing kill her. Even if the plot will be biased and cannot be grasped, it is better than keeping her as a hidden danger.

Thinking this way, Ziling signaled to Shuqing.

"Brother, let's do it."

Shu Qing nodded, got up and walked towards Ning Qing, Zi Ling turned his back, he didn't want to see such a bloody scene, the paralysis effect wouldn't last long, so he had to do it now.

Zi Ling thought that she was the heroine after all, and it would not be easy to kill her. At that time, some male No. [-], [-], [-], and [-] would definitely appear to block the knife, so Zi Ling was fully on guard and ready to strike at any time .

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, under the threat of death, Ning Qing actually figured out the truth that life is more important than a piece of jade, and obediently handed over the Lantian jade.

So in order to reduce trouble, Ziling didn't kill her.Anyway, even if she was killed, she might be resurrected, so why be so serious, so after getting the Lantian jade, Ziling and Shuqing left, regardless of Ning Qing who was lying on the ground like mud.

Another day later, Ziling and the two finally arrived at the location of Plan B that Shuqing had mentioned, but none of the people from his team who had come earlier were there, and some were just devastated.

The two immediately realized that something was wrong, but it was too late to escape at this time. Several fighter planes flew in the sky, and there were countless supernatural beings on the ground. Ziling visually detected that all members of the Blu-ray base had arrived.

A familiar face came into view, Yan Qi's complex and painful expression moved Zi Ling slightly.Good and evil are rewarded in this world, but some people are always unexpected.

Yan Qi didn't expect that the person who always thought he was kind was the biggest disaster in the world. He not only blew up the base, but also hijacked Sister Ning Qing, and even the zombie virus that harmed the common people was related to her.

Ling Tianque jumped off a fighter plane and stared at Ziling closely, his eyes were red and piercing.

"Ye Liangsheng, where is Qing'er!?"

Zi Ling gave him a cool look.

"I don't know, probably dead."


Ling Tianque stared into Ziling's eyes for a long time, but saw that her expression hadn't changed at all. She suddenly felt sad, and raised her head to the sky and let out a long cry, Ling Lie's eyes burst into red.

"Kill them."

Ling Tianque gave the order, and the supernatural beings who had already prepared their hands one after another. The explosives bombed by the fighter planes and all kinds of supernatural powers came side by side. For a while, the sky was dark and the mountains and rivers collapsed.

Such a large-scale attack obviously cannot be hard-wired. The only way is to escape, but you cannot hide in the space, because the space cannot move, even if you hide in, you cannot escape the siege of so many supernatural beings.

(End of this chapter)

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