Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 300 Doomsday Crisis 2

Chapter 300 Doomsday Crisis 2
His grandma's, what the hell kind of setting is this?

Ziling wanted to scold someone.

However, you have to calmly accept the memory and the plot.

The background of this interface is at the end of the 23rd century, when human science and technology prospered unprecedentedly, realizing the real ultra-modernization, the ultra-thin graphene mobile phone even comes with the function of Doraemon Bamboo Dragonfly, which can take people to fly freely.

But one day three years ago, an unknown city exploded suddenly, and the transparent liquid leaked into rivers, lakes and seas, and quickly spread to all parts of the world.

This is how zombies appear.

The virus is coming fiercely. Some human beings become infected with the virus and become zombies, and then eat other normal humans.

Then there are some normal humans who have neither turned into zombies nor evolved supernatural powers, so they can only seek shelter from the supernatural beings' base while fleeing for their lives.

The original owner of this body was originally a little girl who was about to evolve supernatural powers, but her stepmother thought she was a burden and it would be troublesome to escape, so she gave her to drink water with viruses.

Then she turned into a zombie who drank blood and ate flesh.

But...here comes the important point. The original owner Ye Liangsheng is about to evolve a very special healing ability. Although she didn't succeed, at least it allowed her to maintain her human sanity and fall into a coma after turning into a zombie.

Later, the original owner woke up. Although she always wanted to eat people because of the zombie's instinct, she endured it and went to various bases to find his brother, hoping that his brother could help her transform back into a human.

But to her disappointment, she was met by Ning Qing, the heroine of the last days, before she found her brother Shuqing. Ning Qing was very interested in her, a zombie who still maintained human reason, so she took her back to the base for research. .

Then Ling Tianque, the male protagonist of the creation base, was surprised to find that Ye Liangsheng actually possessed the characteristics of immortality and immortality of zombies. Wouldn't it be immortal to maintain human sanity and immortality?
This discovery quickly spread throughout the base, and all the supernatural beings involved in the research were extremely excited.

They may be about to crack the secret of immortality that Qin Shihuang couldn't get, which is more exciting than the evolution of supernatural powers.

Ye Liangsheng was treated like this as an experimental product, and even the flesh of his body was cut off piece by piece, cut off and then recovered, recovered and cut off again, and the cycle went on and on, the pain was so painful that he couldn't bear to live.

She is a zombie, but she is also human, and she still has a sense of pain.

The supernatural beings found that the zombies could regain consciousness for a short time after eating Ye Liangsheng's meat, and also found that the supernatural beings could quickly recover the injured body by drinking her blood.

And only Ning Qing discovered that she might have healing powers.

In this way, Ye Liangsheng's body was regarded as an inexhaustible panacea, and was fixed on the scientific research platform of the base to be strictly guarded.

But this also has limitations, that is, if Ye Liangsheng's severed flesh is to recover quickly, she needs to be fed with human flesh and human blood. In order to take her flesh and blood, the insane supernatural beings deliberately slaughtered humans to feed her.

Ye Liangsheng was driven mad by the pain of gouging out and the struggle of being force-fed human flesh, and turned into a rational and confused zombie. At the same time, she evolved a fire-type ability, and frantically destroyed the base. When her brother Shuqing found her, she was eating it. A superhuman.

Shu Qing was very heartbroken. Seeing Shu Qing, Ye Liangsheng regained a little sanity in a daze.

Hugging his younger sister, Shuqing wanted to take her away, but at this moment, the hero and heroine appeared with a group of supernatural beings, demanding that Shuqing hand over Ye Liangsheng with righteous words.

(End of this chapter)

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