Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 127 Extra Story "Mu Yue"

Chapter 127 Extra Story "Mu Yue"

My name is Mu Yue, and I am the current helm of the Mu family and the Zhou family, and I am also recognized by the entire Linghua as the bone spirit. (white-collar, backbone, elite) In my career, I am indeed a success, but in life, I am a complete loser.

I come from a wealthy family, my parents are in business, and my brother Mu Xiao and I have received a good education since we were young, so we are bound to continue the wealth and prosperity of the Mu family.

But unfortunately, my brother was young and vigorous, and died accidentally in a racing game with Qi Tianqi.During that time, I lost two people who loved me at the same time.

Qi Tianqi is the son of the Qi family, we fell in love, a match made in heaven.But my only brother died because of him, so even if I still love him, I still choose to leave him.

Because I can't let go of the past hurts, can't let go of everything and still love him, every time I see him, I feel painful and entangled.

When he was in college, because of his brother's death, the Mu family was also in crisis.That night, my mother sighed and asked me if I still love Qi Tianqi. If I love him, then she and my father will forgive him for his past mistakes, agree with me to marry him, and choose to marry the Qi family.

That night I looked at the stars in the sky, and tears rolled down my cheeks.Of course I love him, but I can't forgive him, so I choose to give up on him and find another good branch for the family.

The tragedy of life began at that time. I knew that I was superior since I was a child, and naturally there were many people who chased me.After leaving Qi Tianqi, everyone will make do with it. If they regard themselves as a bargaining chip, they will naturally choose the bet with the highest value.

Among all the sons, I finally chose Zhou Fu.Since there is no love, we should value interests, and after weighing, he is the one who can bring me the most benefits.

So from the very beginning, I was mentally prepared to accept him for the benefit of the family business, and marrying him was just a business cooperation.

I know that he doesn't love me either, and what I see in those dark eyes is just playing tricks.

At that time, I thought, even if he cheats in the future, I won't bother with the mistress, because I don't love him.But he never expected that he would have such a nasty relationship with his biological sister!
At that time, Li Mo was like a dark horse, sweeping the entire Linghua business circle in the blink of an eye.Except for the new Ye Xie who cooperated with him, everyone else was suppressed, and Zhou You and the Mu family suffered the most.

Those days were very stressful, I was pregnant again, Zhou Fu became more and more irritable, and even punched me after drinking.For the first time, for the sake of the child in my stomach, I endured it.The second time, for the benefit of the family business, I endured it again.

But again and again, no more three, ever since I was a child, have I ever been bullied like this?So for the third time, I slapped him without hesitation.That palm was so hard that my palms were numb.

I thought he was at least a smart man, and this slap was enough for introspection.But I think too highly of him, he is obviously a fool, after a moment of stunned, he was so angry that he rushed over and wanted to kick me!
In the nick of time, I felt severe pain in my abdomen, and warm liquid flowed through my lower body.At that moment, I knew that the child in my stomach could not be kept.

This beast, he actually killed his own child.

Afterwards, Qi Tianqi heard the news and came to me.He is already Zuo Ling's boyfriend, and it can be seen from his speech and demeanor that he is living a good life.

It turned out that it was so easy for him to let go of me.

It turns out that he can be better without me, so what am I struggling with?Why do you let yourself continue to entangle with a beast and live in such pain?

When I went back, I proposed a divorce to Zhou Fu, and he became furious and accidentally pushed Zhou Qiaoqiao down to death.Then he was sentenced to prison, I thought about it for a long time, and decided not to divorce.

Since you are doomed to have no happiness, why bother to make do with it, being yourself is everything.

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  ([-]) A new story will start tomorrow, royal brother and sister love

(End of this chapter)

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