Huadu counterattacks the goddess system

Chapter 203 Masako Murakami [4 more]

Chapter 203 Masako Murakami

Qin Feng rolled his eyes and said.

But what Shi Jing said, he can believe one thing, maybe he really can't touch that realm.

God realm?

Qin Feng shook his head, maybe stronger.

Qin Feng wanted to ask something else, but Shi Jing didn't give him this chance: "I'm tired, I'll sleep for a while."

Qin Feng swallowed the words that came out of his mouth.

He didn't mean to ask Shi Jing to tell him. When he reached that state, he would understand without Shi Jing's words.

Qin Feng wanted to receive Shi Jing into the system space.

But Shi Jing, who just said he was going to rest, suddenly came to his senses and said: "Don't lock me in the small dark room anymore, I want to stay outside, as a deal, this request is not too much!"

When Qin Feng heard it, he felt a little happy. You are afraid of being locked in a small black room.

OK, since you don't want to stay inside, forget it.

When Qin Feng put the stone mirror on his body, the sound of a key being inserted into the door suddenly sounded outside, and Qin Feng knew that the mistress of the family had returned.

Qin Feng originally wanted to leave through the window, but the other party opened the door too fast, and he got into the bathroom with one stride.

There were two voices outside.

"Mr. Dahe, you must be tired from driving all day. Sit here and rest for a while, and I'll get you a glass of water." The hostess' voice was very pleasant, maybe she was a beautiful woman.

"Okay!" This is a man, who may be an ordinary friend of the hostess. If the relationship is close, the hostess will not pour water for him.

"Mr. Dahe, I don't have hot water at home, so you can make do with mineral water."

"Well! It's okay!"

The hostess sat down and said: "Now we can talk about cooperation."

Mr. Dahe said: "I like your company's latest product very much. Take a look at my investment plan. I plan to invest 1000 million US dollars in your company."

"1000 million...US dollars." The hostess took a deep breath, obviously surprised.

1000 million U.S. dollars, converted into island currency, is almost equivalent to more than one billion. For the hostess, this is definitely a big deal.

"Sorry Mr. Dahe, I'll go to the toilet first, please wait a moment." The hostess stood up and said.

Go to the toilet!

Qin Feng, who was hiding in the bathroom, turned green for a moment, looking at the window on the wall, he couldn't get out of it.

How about knocking them both out!

Qin Feng thought for a while, but couldn't think of any other better way, so he decided.

Qin Feng hid behind a curtain. The bathroom is divided into two floors. The outside is the toilet, and the place where Qin Feng stays is the bathtub, and the bathroom is very tidy. Obviously, the hostess is a woman who loves cleanliness.

The door opened and the hostess came in.

Qin Feng looked through the gap and suddenly froze for a moment.

"System prompt: Found the goddess Muraki Masako."

"Goddess: Masako Muraki."

"Appearance: 93."

"Favourability: 0."


A tall beauty appeared in Qin Feng's sight. She was 1.7 meters tall and wore a pair of black high-heeled shoes. Her beautiful legs were very long. Because it was spring in the island country, she didn't wear stockings, but only a Posey pair. Brother Miafeng's mesh lace long dress, with beautiful legs covered in white, is faintly visible, while the upper body is wearing a light blue long sleeve that fits very well. The plump bust can completely lock the attention of the attractor on it , Such an elegant and beautiful dress made this beauty look more mature.

Masako Muraki has a very good face, a very delicate oval face, lively and beautiful eyes, coupled with a small Qiong nose and sexy pink lips, highlighting a clear and cool beauty.

At this time, Masako Muraki was breathing very rapidly. She patted her chest and abdomen, sat on the toilet, and did not go to the toilet, obviously adjusting her mentality.

"Come on, Masako, the company is currently out of business, and is in urgent need of a cash flow. If I can win over the funds from Mr. Dahe of the Qiuben Group at this time, it will definitely give the company a chance to survive."

Masako Muraki was obviously cheering herself up. After she adjusted her mentality, she stood up. Suddenly, she glanced at the curtain and seemed to find something, but she shook her head and walked out of the bathroom.

Qin Feng hid behind the curtain and coughed dryly.

Originally, he wanted to knock this island girl unconscious, but seeing how cute she was and working so hard, he thought about it, and decided to forget it. After all, he was talking about business. What to do.

Qin Feng doesn't want to be a villain again.

cough cough.

"Dahe-kun, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

As soon as Masako Muraki walked out of the bathroom, she was not as cute as she was cheering herself up in the bathroom just now. She suddenly became mature, and even her tone became more attractive.

"Just now you said that you want to invest 1000 million US dollars. I don't know if there are other conditions."

1000 million US dollars is not a small amount. Masako Muraki doesn't believe that the other party has no conditions, otherwise how could he invest in their company, because their company is about to go bankrupt.

"You guessed right, of course there are additional conditions! We want your company's patent!" Dahe-kun said.

"I'm afraid it won't work. I'm just a secretary and I can't be the master. Moreover, this patent is not owned by the company." Masako Muraki shook her head and said, "How about this, let me ask our president what he means."

"No need! We have already asked the president of your family about this, and he is not willing to sell the patent!" Dahe-kun approached Muraki Masako and said, "What I want to ask is, can you make the decision without authorization and steal the patent to us. "

"Well, how can this work, even if I steal it for you, you can't use it, because the name is not yours." Masako Muraki said with a changed face.

"Don't worry about it, as long as you steal the documents, we will invest all the money in your company, let alone 1000 million US dollars, even if it is [-] million US dollars, it will be no problem." Mr. Dahe said.

"It turns out that you are planning to annex our company!" Masako Muraki said with a cold face, "Sorry, Mr. Sueyou Okawa, I still have something to do, please leave first."

In the transition from Dahe-kun to Dahesuke, Muraki Masako made a very clear choice, he will not join forces with Dahesuke.

"Haha! Ms. Masako, don't you want to help the company tide over the difficulties, and we can also give you a high salary, and even let you directly become the president. I know that Miss Masako has a high degree of education, so I am so willing to be a The little secretary at the door?" Dahe Jieyou said.

"Mr. Dahe Jieyou doesn't have to worry about this, I like the job of secretary very much." Masako Muraki said.

"Very good! Ms. Masako has withstood my test, and I have decided to invest in your company." Dahe Jieyou suddenly sat down and said with a smile.

"Mr. Dahe, what do you mean?" Masako Muraki said in surprise, "Was that just a test?"

"That's right, it's just a test! I have decided not to invest 1000 million US dollars in your company, but to change it to 2000 million US dollars, but I still have an additional condition."

"Mr. Dahe, please tell me, as long as it is not the unreasonable condition just now, I can temporarily make the decision for the president and agree to your request."

"Hehe, you don't need your president to agree, as long as you agree!"

Dahesuke said in a very low voice.

"What did you say, Dahe-kun?" Masako Muraki didn't hear.

She didn't hear it, but Qin Feng did.

Besides this voice, Qin Feng also heard another voice...

(End of this chapter)

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