Chapter 49

After eating the fried noodles, Qin Chongyuan didn't stay at You's house too long, so he left with two bowls and a tray.

However, before leaving, he still seriously said to You Siling: "I will take responsibility. The previous marriage proposal was too careless. You don't have to keep it in mind. I will find another opportunity to make a good plan and promise not to let you disappointment."

You Siling was full at this time, raised his eyelids lazily, glanced at him, and nodded casually.

Needless to say?

She definitely won't remember it.

I just hope that his "plan" will take longer, preferably after she completes the task.

"Well." Thinking of this, You Siling added, "Then you should prepare well, and you can't be careless about any details."

Qin Chongyuan nodded seriously when he got the response.If it wasn't for the tray still in hand, it would seem as if he would salute at any time.

Seeing that You Siling didn't have anything to say, he turned around and walked out. When he got to the door, he turned around and asked, "If I want to attack the Liu family's property, won't you feel uncomfortable?"

You Siling was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately shook his head: "Just go! The sooner the better! By the way, deal with this matter first and then prepare your plan, so as not to be disturbed by others."

How could she feel uncomfortable when someone helped to complete the task?

You Siling watched Qin Chongyuan leave with a satisfied smile on his face, and felt a little bit reluctant in his heart.

Alas, why does such a good man like to propose marriage?

If she wasn't so serious, she really wanted to pack this guy up and take him away.

System: "Sorry, host, it's impossible for you to pack and take away people from the mission world."

"Oh?" Usling picked his fingertips, "Do you want me to try?"

The system was silent for a quarter of an hour, before admitting its cowardice: "Let's forget it..."

The previous hosts were all ordinary people, and it was also the first time to bind a goblin. Who knows if this guy who can provoke God's punishment really has some way to make some weird things.

You Siling chuckled, turned and went upstairs to wash and rest.

She should be satisfied with eating, drinking and sleeping well today.

The lights in the Qin's study next door didn't go out until midnight.

After Qin Chongyuan returned home, he washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and washed...

Everything is in order.

When he was sitting at the desk, facing the opposite window, his restless heart beat violently.

Qin Chongyuan pulled up the curtains abruptly, not daring to look at the opposite window, even though it was so dark that he couldn't see anything at all.

"Forget it, let's deal with business first and calm down..."

He flipped through the files beside him.

It just so happened that it was a case where Qin and Liu were competing.

Originally, Qin Chongyuan was bound to win this project, but he just learned another news the day before, which was revealed from Aunt Wang's husband.

Uncle Wang has a classmate who is currently working as a leader in the upper echelon of city A, and he knew about a public welfare development project in the city in advance.

More than half of the area occupied by that project overlaps with the current project that the Qin family and Liu family are competing for.

If you spend a lot of effort to win this project, within two months, when the documents from the city come out, you will definitely lose your vitality and pay a large sum of money to enter.

Qin Chongyuan originally planned to withdraw directly from the bidding in a few days later, and just let the Liu family win it.

But thinking of that bottle of wine and what happened today, he frowned.

If You Siling didn't come to look for him today, but really drank the bottle of wine according to Liu Yuan's idea, what would happen afterwards?
Qin Chongyuan couldn't calm down when he thought that Liu Yuan had such thoughts.

If Liu Yuan is a gentleman, or indeed a good match, even if Qin Chongyuan won't back down, he won't do anything to Liu Yuan.

But Liu Yuan obviously still has a lover who is pregnant with a child, who is vaguely raised by his side, and it seems that he is not clean at all.In this case, you have to provoke Usling!Moreover, You Siling himself didn't have any liking for Liu Yuan.

It is really a waste of a man to use such a strategy if the pursuit fails.

Qin Chongyuan looked at the document in his hand and snorted coldly.

Originally, the Liu family and the Qin family were hostile, especially in recent years, it can be regarded as incompatible.

If the situation were reversed, the Liu family would definitely not show mercy to the Qin family. Instead, they would take advantage of his illness to kill him, so that the Qin family would never have a chance to turn around.

That being the case...

Qin Chongyuan pondered for a moment.

Perhaps, in addition to watching from the sidelines, he can also get a boost from it.

After setting the goal, Qin Chongyuan suddenly had an idea, and buried himself in typing on the keyboard.Before he knew it, it was already midnight, and he finally completed the task.

After checking the organized documents from beginning to end, and after confirming that there were no problems, Qin Chongyuan sent them to the mailbox of the person in charge of the project team under him, and let them carry out specific operations.

He closed the computer with satisfaction, quietly opened the curtain a little, and glanced at the opposite side.

At this time, You Siling had already fallen asleep, the lights on the other side were not turned on, and he couldn't see anything through the darkness of the curtains.

However, Qin Chongyuan pursed his lips in satisfaction, gently lowered the opened curtains, turned off the lights, exited the study, and walked towards the bedroom.

At the hospital, Wu Tongxin had already left the emergency room.

Fortunately, she was brought in just in time, and her life was not in danger.

Unfortunately, because Liu Yuan's previous behavior was too rude, and the month is still young, the child in her stomach is gone.And even her body has been affected, whether she can get pregnant in the future depends on luck.

It was not much better than the situation where she was sentenced to never being a mother again.

After waking up from the emergency room, Wu Tongxin stared blankly at the ceiling, motionless.The effect of the anesthetic faded, and her body began to ache, and her heart throbbed with pain. She didn't know whether she was feeling sorry for the child who hadn't yet formed, or because she lost her bargaining chip to marry into the Liu family. .


She can still marry into the Liu family, and she is more confident!
In Wu Tong's mind, the stupid and confused energy in the past was gone, replaced by an indescribable cruelty.

She looked at Liu Yuan, who was sitting beside him with an impatient face, and said in a hoarse voice, "Liu Yuan, you must marry me."

"Marry you?" Liu Yuan stood up straight as if someone had stepped on his foot, and looked at Wu Tongxin in disbelief, "Are you kidding me! Well, I'm sorry for you today, and I will make it up to you Yours. There is a new house in the development zone next to the company, and it will be under your name. There is still money, how much do you want?"

Wu Tongxin didn't listen to these conditions at all.

As long as you become Mrs. Liu, how much do you want?
She said bluntly: "No, I don't want these, I just want you to marry me."

 PS: Let me tell you secretly, I am going to add updates~~~
(End of this chapter)

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