In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 459 The Legend of the Charming Demon (53)

Chapter 459 The Legend of the Charming Demon (53)

As soon as Ayou's figure disappeared, the emperor looked at the old monk.

He still knows a little about the identities of these monks.

Although there is a natural barrier between the cultivator and the mortal world, the two are not the same.

However, there are still ways for cultivators to enter and exit the enchantment.

Even mortals occasionally have an abnormality, and accidentally pass through the barrier and enter the world of cultivators.

Some mortals have strayed into the fairy mountains by mistake, and it has been hundreds of years since they returned to their hometowns. These are the examples of those who don't know whether they are lucky or unlucky.

As the ruler among mortals, the emperor has mastered most of the resources in this space, so he still has some knowledge about the rumors about the cultivators.From the ancestors alone, a lot of useful information has been left behind.

The sect to which these monks belong is quite famous, and it is the Shingon Temple where all people return to in Buddhist practice.

According to legend, the only holy son who can become a true Buddha comes from the Shingon Temple.

That's why, after the old monks and a group of people said about the monster, the emperor believed it without any doubt.

Buddhist cultivators cannot be seduced by benefits, nor are they bound by the world.

Therefore, no matter how powerful these monks are, it is impossible for them to stay here for a long time.

The reason why he came to the mortal world this time to find him, the emperor, was probably because he wanted to deal with that monster and prevent the world from being destroyed by it.

It was also because of this that the old emperor directly gave up trying to curry favor with these monks, instead he wanted Ayou to protect his safety.

It's just that I didn't expect that Ayou would reject his offering so resolutely, leaving no room for negotiation.

However, even if the old emperor knew that these monks were Buddhist practitioners from Zhenyan Temple, he only "knew" it, and he hadn't had time to see those legendary methods.

Now, he witnessed that miraculous scene with his own eyes, and it still came from the "spiritual girl" who was said to be very difficult, which made him yearn for Ayu even more.

"Master, is Miss Ling a person from outside Fang?" The old emperor thought about the abbot and asked, "I don't know which fairy is it?"

He was able to save King Ping, and he has never harmed mortals these days while living in the capital. Although he is not very polite, he is not the kind of demon who would do it for no reason.

Still looks so beautiful.

Such a girl, shouldn't be some evil spirit, right?

More importantly, if she really belonged to the category of demons, the Buddhist cultivators of Zhenyan Temple would not have watched so calmly, but would have taken out their magical weapons and swarmed up to attack.

The old emperor's mind turned quite quickly, and he had already figured out these things in the time he spoke.

It's just that he didn't expect that, as a charmer, Ayou's demonic power was perfectly restrained because of his natural skills.

Even Monk Chongyuan, who was with her day and night, didn't discover her real body, let alone these monks who stood aside and watched a few times?
On the contrary, the old abbot's eyes are somewhat special, and he may be able to see through all mysteries, but he obviously has no intention of explaining it.

In this way, the old emperor naturally had no way of knowing.

Sure enough, when he asked about it, the old monk just smiled, reached out and stroked his snow-white beard lightly, with a deep expression on his face.

Not a single word was said, quite a bit of "unspeakable".

But his performance, in the eyes of others, is naturally the default.

The joy on the old emperor's face was even more obvious. After seeing King Ping, he felt quite a pity.

If King Ping hadn't been in danger of going out of the palace now, then he could have let this son go to Ling girl's side to follow.

But after all, he still has some sincere love for this son, and he can't do anything to please a cultivator, completely disregarding his own son's life.

Unfortunately, it was put aside afterwards.

Now that these monks are still there, Miss Ling doesn't seem to be leaving the capital for a while, she is not in a hurry.

There is always time.

King Ping lowered his head and remained silent.

Hearing the emperor's question and seeing the old monk's "acquiescence", his face became even more sad.

It turned out that her background was so special.

There is really no possibility between them, right?
The young Buddhist monks behind the abbot looked blank.

When did such a young and beautiful female cultivator appear in the cultivation world?
Even Buddhist cultivators who have excellent concentration and regard beautiful women as dry bones are a little dazed when they see her, let alone other people.

That Ling girl doesn't seem to use a sword, and her body doesn't look like a body repairer.

Monsters are naturally restrained to cultivators, and the devil's energy is very easy to infect. If one is not careful, one's spiritual power will be swallowed up. If it is not cleared in time, it may also become a monster.

That is to say, Buddha Cultivator is the nemesis of this thing, and it is relatively easy to deal with.

There is also a "relative".

Beyond a certain limit, even Buddhist practitioners like them have to be careful.

Because of their difficulty, after the turmoil in the cultivator world was quelled, Buddhist cultivators followed the source of the devilish energy to the mortal world.

That spirit girl can easily deal with those low-level monsters, so she is definitely not a spiritual wood cultivator who doesn't have much fighting power.

Listening to the process described by King Ping, it was not an attack with the help of foreign objects, so the Daoyan faction who used formations was ruled out.

Could it be a member of the Aoki sect who is famous for his practice of law?

But if there is such a powerful successor, how come the Aoki faction never called this person back to help when the demonic energy was raging in the cultivation world?
Didn't even their Zhenyan Temple urgently summon Master Uncle Chongyuan who had been practicing outside?
A group of young people thought about it and couldn't understand it. Seeing the abbot's appearance, it was clear that he didn't want to talk about it, and no one dared to ask questions.

The only person who had the guts and qualifications to ask questions looked at the closed temple door and didn't know what he was thinking.

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, suppressing all their thoughts.

That's all, the most important thing right now is to deal with that monster, everything else has nothing to do with them.

No matter which faction that Ling girl came from, anyway, now it seems that she is on the same team as them, and that's enough.

Isn't it good to have an extra helper for no reason?
King Ping didn't care what these monks were thinking.

After he calmed down the disappointment in his heart, he raised his head and looked at the monk in a snow-white monk's robe: "Master, you said earlier that you wanted to ask something, but what is it about?"

When King Ping spoke, no one could hear his mood at this time.

But the one who was even more indifferent than he looked was Monk Chongyuan.

Those who have cultivated to his level should have cut off the ordinary emotions and desires long ago, and are no longer in the same world as ordinary people. No matter how friendly they are, there will still be a gap between them.

But the way he looked at King Ping at this time was colder than usual, not like the calmness after seeing through the world, but like a target under intentional restraint.

(End of this chapter)

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