In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 418 The Legend of the Charming Demon (6)

Chapter 418 The Legend of the Charming Demon (6)

"Amitabha," the young man paused after seeing Ayu, then recited the Buddha's name, and walked over, "Female benefactor, are you all right?"

Ayou's face is considered superior among the Charms.

Along the way, although she didn't meet someone who would make her want to become a lover, there were quite a few people who were interesting to her.

Or salivate, or full of praise.

But this young man didn't seem to be attracted by her beauty at all, and his eyes were very calm when he looked at her, and he really treated the beauty and bones equally.

In his eyes, this is an innocent person who was almost hurt by the snake demon.

As for whether it is a young and beautiful girl or an ordinary woman, it makes no difference to him.

Walking in such a few steps, it is obviously a messy grass, but he seems to be walking through the wind and clouds, with a holy aura.

He wore ordinary straw sandals, but they were even more elegant and refined than those gold-threaded boots.

It was the first time for Ayou to see such a person, even though she had grown up under the influence of the beauty of the tribe from birth, she couldn't help but stare blankly for a moment, even the strange bald head in her eyes was not so important.

She seemed to like this man even if he had no hair.

Ayou blinked his eyes and said to the bald monk, "I'm not good, my foot is hurt."

Hearing this, the young monk couldn't help looking at her outstretched feet.

Those feet are small and delicate, wearing a pair of brightly colored embroidered shoes.

This girl seems to be ignorant of worldly understanding, and she doesn't shy away from showing her skin in front of outsiders.

Her feet were not wearing silk stockings, and the delicate white skin was set off by the bright colors of the embroidered shoes and the skirt. It seemed to be covered with a faint halo, which made people want to touch it two.

It was precisely because of the beautiful skin that the bruises on the ankle of his right foot were particularly eye-catching.

They were four small black dots, and even a small piece of skin around them turned light blue, looking pitiful and terrifying.

Such scars left on that delicate and beautiful ankle made people feel distressed at first glance.

The monk frowned slightly.

It's not that he has any thoughts about the girl, but it seems that he is thinking about the poison left by the snake demon.

He knelt down and said apologetically to Ayou: "The benefactor, please forgive me for offending."

Ayou didn't seem to care about it at all, and he wasn't worried about what he might do to him. Instead, he opened those glazed eyes and looked at the monk carefully.

When he squatted down like this, that pretty face got closer to her, and he could see it more clearly.

Seeing her ignorant look, the monk couldn't help but bent his lips and shook his head, then reached out and touched the tooth marks on Ayou's ankle.

It was indeed left behind by the snake demon, and the toxin inside seemed to be gradually spreading.

If I had known earlier, I would have spared the life of the snake demon.

Each snake demon is good at different toxins, and the solution is also different.

Not to mention such an old and refined giant snake.

He also used a special method to contain the poisonous gas just now, rather than being able to resist the poison himself.

The specific situation of the snake venom has not been found out yet, and it is not easy for him to detoxify it immediately.

The only thing that is certain now is that the toxin will not kill the female benefactor in a short time.

The "female benefactor" Ayou didn't have the reaction that a poisoned person should have at all, not even as worried as this monk.

All her attention was on the man in front of her.

When his fingers touched his ankles, his eyes blinked a few times more quickly.

The bite mark left by the snake demon was different, and the poison that was slowly spreading inside did not cause any pain.

On the contrary, when this man's fingers touched hers, she felt a strange feeling in her heart. She had an inexplicable feeling, and she really wanted to reach out and grab his fingers.

Fortunately, Charming Monster is uniquely endowed, and under normal circumstances it doesn't exude a monster aura at all.

If he hadn't been carelessly discovered by the snake demon before, Ayou would look no different from an ordinary mortal.

At least, in the eyes of this monk, her identity has not been exposed for the time being.

"Female benefactor, it will take some time for you poisonous poor monk to figure out a solution. Therefore, I will trouble you to stay with the poor monk during this time," the monk sighed, seeing the girl's innocent and interesting appearance, I couldn't help persuading a few words, "Don't worry, you will be fine."

Ayu was not worried about whether he would be in danger.

On the contrary, he didn't have to try his best to keep up, the monk had already offered to go with him, which made Ayou happy.

She suddenly thought of the words said by the people of the clan - to die under the peony flower, to be a ghost is to be romantic.

She should be feeling this way now, right?
Ayou said happily: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

She doesn't seem to have the self-consciousness of a big monster. Although she is not young among humans, she is still a young monster among Charm Monsters, and she always has a cute and naive feeling when she speaks.

Coupled with her delicate and beautiful appearance, it really makes people reluctant to say a harsh word to her.

Seeing the little girl's trust in him, the young monk couldn't help but loosen his frowning brows, and there was a little joy in his brows.

"My name is Ayou, what about you?" Ayou moved closer, looked at him curiously and asked, "What's your name?"

In the past, when a mortal was approached by her, his face would turn red and his ears would be flushed, almost spurting blood.

The monk was very calm, he was only slightly taken aback when she approached him, and then naturally stepped back half a point, opened the distance between the two of them without a trace, smiled at her, and said, "Ayou? It's a nice name. The poor monk's dharma name is Chongyuan, you can call the poor monk's dharma name, or you can directly call him a monk, whatever is convenient for the female benefactor."

He looked very easy-going, as if he really didn't care about the address of the other party, even if he called "Hello", it was okay, with a kind of free and easy that everything was outside.

On the contrary, when he praised Ayou's name, he seemed very sincere, as if he thought so sincerely, and there was no sense of perfunctory at all.

Also because of that clean and dusty temperament, people don't feel half flattering.

Ayou was praised by such a handsome monk, and he didn't feel embarrassed. He accepted it very naturally, and nodded in a serious manner. Obviously, he also felt that he was very good, no matter it was his name or other things.

And for this monk...

"Monk Chongyuan?" Ayou clapped his hands cheerfully and said with a smile, "Ayuan! I'll call you Ayuan!"

The monk was stunned for a moment, and wanted to say something with a smile, but was interrupted by Ayou: "You call me Ayou, and I also call you Ayuan, so it's only fair!"

When Chong Yuan heard it, he really didn't refute it, as if he acquiesced to her statement.I don't know if I really don't care, or if I'm not used to arguing with others.

In short, when the two of them were about to set off on the road, Ayou was already shouting "Ayuan" happily.

(End of this chapter)

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