Chapter 411 Mermaid Heart (43)

Legend has it that there is a magical abyss in the west of the Oslan Empire.

On the other side of the abyss is the blue sea and the prosperous Oslan Empire.

At the other end of the abyss, there is an endless water area, and it is a world full of strange things.

The legends of the abyss are always inseparable from the words of adventurers showing off, and in the bedside stories of those young children.

Birds with human faces that can sing heavenly sounds, beasts with lion bodies and giant wings, towering ancient trees, and——

Magical mermaid.

The mermaid's singing is the most beautiful voice in the world, the mermaid's tears are the most perfect pearls, and the mermaid's appearance is rare and magnificent.

They seem to have been favored by the gods, and they are born extraordinary.

However, it has been too long since anyone has seen a trace of the mermaid.

Like the gods in the legend, they left everything in the world and went to a world that mortals could not reach.

The abyss with the mermaid legend has also become a good place to test the brave.

Whether it is a noble heir or a commoner adventurer, when it comes to courage, they will think of this place, and use the abyss as a place for their young people to experience.

However, since the two princes of the Oslan Empire almost died in the storm of the abyss, it has become much quieter here.

But anyone who is familiar with this place knows how powerful the storm in the abyss is.Moreover, it often appears frequently in a period of time, forming a storm period.

Although I don't know why this time it was earlier, but in the past two years, the number of adventurers who will go to the sea and enter the abyss has dropped sharply.

Of course, this does not prevent civilians from finding other more interesting things to discuss.

The minstrels lack new abyss materials, but they have a series of new stories to use their eloquence.

Not only people from the Oslan Empire, but even people from other countries have heard about it.

The distress of the two princes in the abyss is not the point, but the series of follow-up reactions that followed are the focus of the story!

First, the savior of His Royal Highness became the queen, and then the second prince also returned safely.

Then, the eldest prince was dealt with by His Majesty the King!Even the eldest prince and concubine who brought him back home was punished for offending the royal family, and her own country removed the name of the royal family within a few days.

What was even more shocking was that King Osland, who was in his prime, suddenly abdicated, and passed the throne to the second prince, who usually kept quiet, and disappeared without a trace with the queen.

The royal family of Osland searched for a long time, but they could not find this wayward majesty the king. Even the queen's biological father was forced to lose track.

A group of ministers had no choice but to pinch their noses and recognize it.

Fortunately, the edict of His Majesty the King's abdication came suddenly, but this decision does not seem to have been made impulsively.

The empire had already been assisted by the people he arranged in advance, and soon helped His Royal Highness the Second Prince, who is now the new king of Osland, stabilize the situation and did not bring any turmoil to the empire.

When the new king was His Royal Highness the second prince, he was not outstanding in terms of ability or other aspects, and was always suppressed by the reputation of the eldest prince.

Unexpectedly, after becoming a king, he revealed his true character.

Although he is not as wise and majestic as the previous king, he is still a conservative king.

His personality is not as flamboyant as that of the eldest prince, and he seldom speaks big words, but he is truthful and can listen to the advice of others.

His abilities in other aspects are not as powerful as the previous His Majesty's, but they are not considered weak, at least as a king, they are more than enough.

Perhaps it is impossible for a king like him to conquer all directions and push a country to a high position.

But Oslan has already made the previous His Majesty complete the most important step, and now he has come to worship from all over the world.

This kind of situation that needs to be preserved is really suitable for the new king.

And His Majesty passed the throne to him, obviously after careful consideration, not at will.

After the initial transitional period between the old and the new was over, everyone realized this.

Then, the last bit of struggle was gone, and he wholeheartedly began to cooperate with the new king to rule the empire.

But the eldest prince, who was famous in the past, had a bad luck.

Lost the status of the crown prince, and a wife who also lost the status of the royal family.

The eldest prince and his wife didn't even have a place to stay, and were quickly excluded from the aristocratic circle of the imperial capital.

But the couple obviously did not intend to leave here easily.

The capital of Osland is their longing for life in the past and the goal of their previous efforts.

They have lost their identities. If they can't even live here, what else can make them miss the past?
So, the couple, who were forced to bow their heads by the predicament of life, began to learn to find handymen to make a living like those common people.

But they looked down on those civilians from the bottom of their hearts, and even more despised what those civilians did.Even if he had to do it, he always held a superior attitude.

The acting skills of the two are really good.

However, people like them are only willing to perform in front of people whose status is higher than them, or who are comparable to them, in order to gain greater benefits.

In the face of these little people who used to be an honor for each other to even look at each other, how could they put down their face and "perform"?

However, these two people forgot that they are not princes or princesses at all.

How could such a nice shop owner invite back two servants who made faces?It's not that there is a lack of two ancestors for others to serve.

As a matter of course, the opportunity that was originally obtained by relying on the advantage of appearance has become a trend.The two quickly ran out of work.

If the employer hadn't been kind enough to leave some rations for them, perhaps the two of them would have had a worse life.

However, what is left is not enough for them to squander.

The two soon fell into trouble again.

They began to apply for jobs in different shops, and gradually learned to let go of the face of the royal prince and princess, and gradually became the civilians they looked down upon at first.

The original arrogance also disappeared in the grind of life.

Let alone feelings.

They didn't wake up suddenly until midnight when they dreamed back, and the regret in their hearts grew little by little.

If only I hadn't done those things...

If only I hadn't been here...

in case……

But no amount of ifs can exchange for a regret medicine.

The two woke up from the nightmare and couldn't stand this place anymore, finally left behind the past and prepared to leave this place.

Unexpectedly, not long after leaving the capital, he was unlucky enough to encounter a fight between two teams, and was involved in it and was hacked to death.

It wasn't until no one collected the bones that people discovered their identities.

(End of this chapter)

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