Chapter 396 Mermaid Heart (28)

Usling's eyes stayed on Dorothea for a long time, and the first person to interrupt was His Majesty the King sitting beside her.

However, Dorothea didn't feel that His Majesty was kind enough to save her from the siege, she knew it from the tone, but she didn't like other people attracting the Queen's attention!
Regardless of whether His Majesty the king was jealous or unintentional, Dorothea couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she felt her eyes move away.

The feeling of being on pins and needles finally disappeared.

"Son, who is this beautiful little girl, why have I never seen it before?"

Usling rested one hand on his chin, put the other on the table, and casually tapped on the table with his fingertips.

If you put aside her too young and beautiful face, and her eyes that are obviously waiting for a good show, she really looks like a "mother-in-law" who is very satisfied with her daughter-in-law when she meets for the first time.

Especially the "son", it was so natural and natural, as if the eldest prince was her own son.

Not to mention the two people standing, even His Majesty the King who was sitting next to him couldn't help being choked and let out a short cough.

The eldest prince even twisted his face strangely.

In name, both he and the second prince are adopted sons of His Majesty the King.The queen is His Majesty's wife, and of course she can be considered their adoptive mother. There is indeed nothing wrong with the relationship between mother and child.


His Majesty the King has always been extremely indifferent, and he doesn't care about people and things that are not vital.

In addition, he himself is not much older than the eldest prince and the others. He is more similar to an adoptive father than an elder brother.

The title of "son" has never been heard from him since the two princes were adopted under the king's name.

He has never even called them by their first names affectionately.

This relationship, said to be adoptive father and son, is actually almost the same as that of ordinary monarchs and ministers.Perhaps, the two of them might as well have made him trust those loyal confidants.

Even hearing such a title from the king's mouth, the eldest prince would feel uncomfortable, let alone Usling!

This is his savior, and he had such an ambiguous friendship with him before.

Although because the eldest prince has other plans, the two have not developed further and only maintained a relationship under the condition of not being a lover, but in the end there is still a kind of "ex-girlfriend" illusion.

Suddenly the lover became the mother, and now the eldest prince seems to be holding his head down in the hut, and forced a mouthful of shit, it's hard to tell how stuffy he is.

Before, I only thought about the political influence of this beautiful mermaid after she became the queen, and the king's attitude towards him.

But now...

Faced with such a weird "mother-son" relationship, the eldest prince felt for a moment that it was worse than the king having a grudge against him.

Hearing her call "son", I would lose several years of my life!
Dorothea, who was standing beside him, also twitched her eyes.

Of course, there is no other connection between her and Usling, so she doesn't have complicated emotions like the eldest prince.

However, the rumor about the beautiful fisherman's daughter saving the eldest prince and the two falling in love with each other was known to her before this woman became the queen.

Now, when this woman calls her "son", she speaks clearly and confidently, and she almost doesn't have a look of loving mother's care.

Dorothea shuddered.


This Her Royal Highness is really a ruthless character!
If it were her, she wouldn't be able to be so calm and natural.

It seems that she still has something to learn.

Dorothea temporarily let go of her previous scheming towards the queen.

It's not that I don't intend to plan anything, but I want to think about it carefully and make sure it's safe before doing it.

As long as her desire can be satisfied, what are other people's interests and even their lives worth?

It's just because she now feels that the two who can benefit her are not easy to mess with, so she has to bow her head for the time being.

How can I say that today is also the opportunity for the eldest prince to have an audience with him, and he wants to use this to change his image in the king's heart.

Even though he was not used to addressing the queen, the eldest prince managed to squeeze out a smile, raised his head and replied:
"His Royal Highness, this is Her Royal Highness Princess Dorothea from a neighboring country. She...during my recovery, I am very grateful to her for taking care of me. I brought her here today because I want to... I want His Majesty the King to make the decision and make a marriage contract for me and her. I wonder if His Majesty can nod in agreement?"

The eldest prince was thinking of taking things step by step before, so he brought it up a bit more tactfully.

But he was also afraid that this "adoptive mother" who did not follow the usual path would suddenly say something that made it difficult for him to control his emotions.

Therefore, he decided to open the skylight directly to speak out!

Be direct and don't worry about being interrupted.

Moreover, it can highlight his love and desire for Dorothea, and convince the king that he will never have any ill intentions towards the queen!

What happened at the wedding was exposed by You Siling's relatives. Even if the eldest prince wants to find an excuse to cover up the past, he has to think about whether His Majesty the King is willing to overthrow the statement of the queen's relatives for him.

The result goes without saying.

Which one is more important to the king, he or the queen, is there any need to ask?
Since the previous recklessness cannot be covered up, the only thing to do is to beautify the words and deeds after.

The first thing to dispel is the worry in the king's heart.

There is nothing wrong with his decision.

Anyway, the king didn't know the details of his relationship with the mermaid, so what if he just admired the queen's beauty?

Now that he has a beloved woman, and even desperately wants to marry her as his wife, with the image that the eldest prince showed in the past, of course he won't show courteousness to other people anymore.

However, it also depends on the person.

His Majesty the King of Osland was never a normal king.

Just like at this moment, as if he didn't see the eager eyes of the eldest prince at all, he just casually picked up a document he had read on the table and put it aside, then reached out to touch the temperature of the cup on the other side, feeling When it was about the same time, I gently pushed towards the queen: "It's not hot anymore, you can drink it."

With this appearance, it is clear that even a sip of water from the queen is more important than the marriage of the eldest prince.

More importantly, the eldest prince was not even sure whether His Majesty the King had really ignored him, or deliberately used this to suppress him to vent his anger on the wedding day.

The latter is fine.

After the anger is vented, there is a chance to ease it.

If the former...

Sweat broke out on the eldest prince's forehead, and his palms became wet.

(End of this chapter)

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