Chapter 357 The Queen Never Sleeps (32)

The establishment of the king's husband is also a major event that both civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty paid attention to.

Now the Qin family has won, because of the checks and balances of various aspects, and the secret coordination of the queen, You Siling, there is no problem, and it will be carried out step by step soon.

Although there is no previous history for the female emperor to confer the title of husband, but as long as some details are slightly changed, it is actually not much different from the previous conferment ceremony.

Just when everyone's attention was attracted by Mrs. Wang's affairs, a small sedan chair leisurely arrived at the gate of the palace.

A girl in pink was sent into the palace in this way.

In fact, the king is a woman, and there are basically no young women serving in this palace. After all, we must guard against the concubines in the harem who are having affairs with others.

All the young maids in the palace had already been sent away, and now the remaining ones are either elderly mothers or eunuchs and servants.

It stands to reason that ordinary people would not send the girl inside as a maid at this time, even if they wanted to send it, they should send the young master.

But the Liu family wanted to show their sincerity. On the surface, they sent people into the palace to serve them, but in fact they just sent people here to be dealt with.It's just that this method is always more attractive than kidnapping people into the palace, and there is no need to make things big.

Regarding the matter between Liu He and Yang Ji, neither the Liu residence nor the palace should want to make trouble again.

It is not difficult for You Siling to accept a young woman in the palace.

Those few in the harem were used for other purposes by her, and she didn't treat them as her own men. She didn't have to worry about the existence of such maids.

Of course, those few people who can live safely until now are not fools.

Knowing what his identity is, how could he have an affair with someone in the palace? Wouldn't that be courting death?
I didn't see that Tanhua Lang Yang Ji had an affair outside and thought about the benefits of entering the palace, but what happened to him?
That still has no status, and people like them who already have concubines dare to do something like this, the result may be even worse.

No one would be troubled by their own fate, let alone that they were still being preoccupied with the news that Second Young Master Chen had brought them back.

What did the Queen mean by those words?
Seeing that she didn't do anything to Mr. Chen, there was no other movement these days, and it didn't seem like she was going to punish them.Could it be that it really means literally, to give them a chance to show their talents?

This is not an ordinary event, it is related to the future of these people.

These young people wished they could turn into bugs and get into the queen's mind to see what she was thinking.

None of them knew the skills of variable worms, and the queen didn't summon her in the days to come, but was busy with political affairs and accepting the king's wife.

From the day when the queen told the second son Chen not to disturb the husband at will, it can be seen how much the son of the Qin family is in the queen's heart.

This time, the conferring ceremony of the king's husband obviously cannot tolerate mistakes, and they dare not come to disturb the queen at this juncture, so they can only rack their brains to guess.

I can't even think about my own affairs, so how can I think about other things?

The news that Liu He was sent to the palace was just passed through before their eyes, and they were put aside.

They are all human beings, how can they not understand the operations of the Liu family?
Only before His Majesty revealed Yang Ji's affair with others, the Liu family hastily sent a daughter here, and His Majesty even really agreed.

There is nothing strange about this.

I also want to know that the person who has a relationship with Tanhua Lang Yang Ji is Liu He.

However, Tanhua Lang Yang Ji has no chance of turning over now, the Liu family pulled himself to sue for peace, His Majesty silently nodded and agreed to Liu He's entry into the palace, which naturally means that the matter has been exposed.

Since this is the case, there is no use value for them, and naturally it is not worthy of more attention.

Of course, You Siling knew the news earlier than these people, and it was indeed after her approval that Liu He entered the palace smoothly.

Apart from the heirs and the throne, the most important task is to punish Yang Ji and Liu He.

A person who betrayed the queen, took advantage of her feelings to gain power, and then bit back, is nothing more than a wolf-hearted dog;

The other one obviously came here for benefits, agreed with Yang Ji's strategy, but didn't care about Yang Ji's thoughts, instead, he put his hatred on the queen, got the advantage and felt wronged, making the queen die in peace.

These two people must be dealt with by Usling no matter what.

If it is placed in other mission worlds, Usling still needs to plan carefully.

But here, it couldn't be easier.

She was originally a high-ranking emperor, not to mention just wanting to deal with these two people, it would not be difficult to kill them immediately.

Originally, Liu He, the daughter of Zuo Xiang, was in a little trouble, but he didn't expect Zuo Xiang to bow his head so quickly. You Siling originally planned to do something so that he had to give up Liu He and keep Liu's family.Now there is no need to do anything, and the wish has been fulfilled, and You Siling is happy and relaxed.

"How do you plan to deal with her?" Qin Chongyuan would sneak into the palace these days, so he naturally heard the news, "Send her to a remote wasteland? Or just kill her?"

You Siling looked in the mirror and saw him standing behind her, combing her hair with a wooden comb.Obviously the words on his mouth were cruel, but his face was extremely gentle.

She smiled, looked away, and said in a casual tone: "Am I so cruel? After all, she is the daughter of Zuo Xiang and Tan Hualang's sweetheart. Of course I want to treat her better. How should I say, Tanhualang was once the queen's favorite..."

"Huh?" Qin Chongyuan paused, and the fingers on her hair suddenly pinched her shoulders, "Who is the Queen looking at?"

Usling was turned back by his movement, and came face to face with him.

Seeing something heavy in Qin Chongyuan's eyes, he suddenly coughed with some guilt: "You, of course it's you. Mrs. Wang is a heavenly figure, and no one else can compare."

The eyes that seemed to be eating people just now softened immediately, and Qin Chongyuan patted her head lightly with the palm of his hand: "That's right, Your Majesty is a golden man, don't talk nonsense next time."

You Siling rolled his eyes helplessly.

How could she have nothing to do with this guy now?He even let this person sit on his head to rebel.

But this feeling, it seems not bad.

"I know, I know," You Siling sighed helplessly, and the person he liked could only be pampered, "Aren't I just joking? She and Yang Ji are true love, a benevolent king like me , of course, was moved by them and was willing to fulfill her wish and let the lovers get married in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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