Chapter 329 The Queen Never Sleeps (1)


You Siling only felt dizzy in her head, as if something was stirring non-stop, and it seemed as if a big hammer was hitting her brain, her whole head seemed to be heavy and uncomfortable.

She moved her fingers, then blinked and looked up.

Her vision gradually became clear from the initial misty state, and then she saw the top of the golden curtain and the faintly visible dragon pattern on it.

what's the situation?
Is she...becoming a concubine?

Such a thought flashed in You Siling's mind, and he turned his head to look aside.

If the emperor is a bad old man in his seventies, she should kill her husband first, and then try to usurp the throne.

Unexpectedly, when he turned his head, what he saw was not the emperor in dragon robes, but two handsome teenagers kneeling beside the bed.

These two seem to be a pair of twin brothers, with a delicate and lovely face.They looked almost identical, except that one of them was a little quieter, and the other had more lively eyes.

Their male identities can be identified from the flat chest and the slight bulge between the throats, but there is a little more of the innocence and tenderness of a little girl in their faces.

Both of them were wearing pink and tender clothes, even the patterns were similar, obviously they were uniform.

The collar was slightly opened, revealing a little white jade chest, and the youth's slender figure like a willow seemed to be outlined under the clothes.

This kind of color and style should look feminine and artificial on a man, making people feel hot.

However, the two of them were dressed just right, which made their daughter-like faces even more colorful, making them pleasing to the eye.

Probably, it has something to do with their different temperaments.

Didn't see the expected old emperor, but found two beautiful boys, even You Siling couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

She was at a loss for words.

Why, is the emperor so big-hearted that he is willing to put such a man beside the concubine?Don't be afraid of being green hated!

She could tell the difference very clearly. Although these two were dressed strangely, their bodies were intact. They were definitely not eunuchs and father-in-laws.

Thinking of the curtain embroidered with dragon patterns again, I am even more sure that this is the emperor's bedroom, not the residence of the concubine.

The emperor is as good as Long Yang, so he specially called the concubine to come over as a cover, to cover up his true sexuality?

You Siling opened his eyes only for a moment, and many thoughts have already flashed through his mind.

The two kneeling teenagers quickly noticed that she had opened her eyes, and immediately smiled happily, and quickly moved over on their knees, and bowed to You Siling who was lying on the ground before saying: "Your Majesty, You're awake! I'll help you wash up and have a meal."

His Majesty?

Yusling's heart skipped a beat.

So, there is no old emperor, she is the emperor?
Very satisfied with her daughter's body, You Siling, who didn't want to be a man with a handle at all, touched her body with her hand that was still under the quilt without thinking.


She is still a woman.

So, in this mission world, she is the empress?
Usling regained his spirits immediately.

Fortunately, she was very good at controlling her emotions. Even though she was having all sorts of thoughts in her mind, her face remained as motionless as a mountain. She just sat up, looked at the two of them and gave a simple "hmm".

The two pink-clothed teenagers rushed over to help her sit on the side of the bed without thinking, wiped her face and rinsed her mouth carefully, and brought a set of clothes for her to put on.

The color of the clothes is also golden, and the mighty real dragon pattern is embroidered on it.

In the previous world, everything had to be self-reliant, but now someone is always serving, and Usling enjoys it quite comfortably.

However, there is still one thing on my mind——

What is the identity of that guy Qin Chongyuan this time?
That's right.

This time, she didn't lose her previous memory, and just remembered that face so completely that she came to a new mission world!
At the moment of waking up, she was also surprised.

It's just that she didn't return to the transit point where the system was located, and she didn't get an answer to the things she wanted to catch it to ask.

One moment he was still in the orc world, and the next moment he came here.

You Siling looked at the two people serving in front of him, and after a quick breakfast, he found a reason to send them out, saying that he wanted to rest.

The two of them didn't think it was strange, and the quieter one said with concern: "Your Majesty had a hangover from drinking yesterday, so he inevitably had a headache, and he doesn't have to go to court today, so let's get some rest."

As he said that, he led the other one back out respectfully, without any violation of the rules.

Seeing that they had all gone out, You Siling lay on the bed and summoned the system.

The figure of the system still did not appear, but the familiar electronic voice sounded: "Host?"

For some reason, You Siling felt somewhat guilty from it.

She snorted coldly in her heart, and said directly: "What's going on with Qin Chongyuan? Why does he appear in every world?"

"How do you know this... host, you still have the memory of the previous mission world?!" Even if it was an electronic sound, You Siling could hear a feeling of shock from it.

She moved her fingers.

In fact, she only gradually deepened her memory of Qin Chongyuan from the widow's world.Excluding the world of vampires, widows and orcs, You Siling is not sure whether there is such a person as Qin Chongyuan in the previous task worlds, just a guess.

What I said just now was just to blow up the system, but I didn't expect it to be the same as what she guessed.

So... What does Qin Chongyuan have to do with this system, or rather, what does it have to do with her?
It's a pity that even though You Siling racked his brains to think back, he still doesn't remember that he knew such a person before entering the system's mission world.

It seemed that even her memories of those years as a Charm were blurred.

Being too old, even for Charming Monsters with excellent memories, it is normal for them to have blurred memories, after all, there is nothing worth remembering.

But when it came to these weird things, Usling couldn't help but stop thinking about it.

Especially the surprised reaction of the system.

"So what is it, so what if it is not?" You Siling still had the same tone, as if he didn't care, "You just need to tell me who Qin Chongyuan is, and the truth that I didn't choose at the beginning, is it related to him?"

At this time, the system stammered: "This... this... host, the authority is not enough, so I can't check it."

You Siling has always been a one-sided character, no matter what authority is not authorized, he immediately mobilized his soul power to catch this little thing out and shake everything he knows.

(End of this chapter)

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