In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 325: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (65)

Chapter 325: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (65)


They only think about how to get rid of the things on the wall, but they forget that they can make a fuss about themselves.

A group of orcs hurriedly stood up to pick up the animal skin clothes that had just been thrown aside.

As soon as he stood up, he staggered and his head was a little dizzy.

After a while, the symptoms finally disappeared.

They didn't think too much about it, they only thought it was because of the stinging pain in their feet before, and sitting on the ground for a long time wasted their energy to pull out the thorns, so they felt dizzy and dizzy after exhausting themselves.

As soon as this symptom subsided, they put it aside indifferently and began to dispose of the hide.

The nails on the palms had turned into beasts, and the fingertips, which were as sharp as knives, easily cut through the animal skins and shaped them into the shape they wanted. was stabbed.


They turned into beasts again, and the comatose Lin Xiaoyue was still tied to Ali's body.

A group of orcs jumped up.

I thought it would be a success this time, but I didn't expect it to be worse than last time!

At least, I touched the wall before, but this time...

As soon as it reached midair, its whole body fell limply, and the animal claws kept dancing in the air, which didn't help.


A familiar muffled sound sounded again.

This isn't the first time they've hit the ground tonight.

What... what's going on?

They tried to move their bodies, but found that starting from the bottom of the animal's paw, a tingling feeling gradually spread to the limbs, and then even the body became stiff.

That tingling feeling turned into complete numbness later on, without consciousness, as if the soul and body were separated separately.

What's wrong with them? !

A group of orcs transformed into beasts lay on the ground, inexplicably astonished, and panicked.

Lying here without resistance like this, whether it is an attack from the orcs from the Tira tribe or gnawing by wild beasts outside, it is a crisis that can endanger their lives. How could they not panic?

Moreover, it's not that some of them fell, but that none of the clansmen retained their fighting power!

While they were in a state of confusion, the orcs in the Tira tribe were also discussing in low voices.

"According to the time, should the poison be released?" Ah Cheng proposed to apply this poison, and he looked at the priest while asking.

Those herbs of the Tila tribe, if they are familiar, of course no one can compare with the priests who specialize in this way.

The old priest smiled and nodded: "Don't worry. The more the venom moves, the faster it will attack. Those fools jumped the wall for a while, and they are probably lying outside right now and can't move. "

After hearing what the priest said, the young orcs, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly lifted their spirits, grabbed the weapons in their hands, and ran towards the gate.

Usling walked behind with the females, looking unhurried, much calmer than the young orcs in front.


The door that Ali and the others failed to enter after tossing for so long was finally opened from the inside at this moment.

If it was a few quarters of an hour ago, when they found the door opened, Ali and the others would have been very excited to rush up and kill them, enjoy the thrill of killing, and the bloody slaughter of the Tila tribe, and grab those tender cubs to roast. After eating, snatch the female away.

But now, a group of orcs who were lying on the ground with no power to resist, the first reaction when they heard the sound of the door opening was to flee in panic.

However, the weakness in their limbs made it difficult for them to even stand up, let alone escape.

When they heard that there might be an enemy sneak attack tonight through the celebration after capturing the tooth beast, the orcs of the Tira tribe were actually ready to fight a tough battle.

Even if you have certain expectations for the city walls and gates, what you want is to stop the opponent and consume some energy of the enemy.

But they didn't expect that these things, which are only beautiful and mighty in the eyes of most tribesmen, are so useful!

Before they even made a move, the enemy had already laid flat and let them deal with it without a single soldier!
A group of orcs took a secret look at Yousling who was in the rear, their eyes twinkled like stars, filled with joy and respect.

Fortunately, there is Ayu!
If it weren't for the things that Ayou proposed to build, they would definitely have a fierce battle tonight.

The Raging Fire Tribe is one of the best tribes nearby. Ali and the others are actually very strong, otherwise they would not have annexed several tribes so smoothly over the years.

Even if the Tira Tribe can barely win tonight, it will definitely pay a lot.

But in the wilderness continent where there are few people, every casualty is a heavy loss to the tribe.

Being able to win so easily and simply, the orcs of the Tila tribe didn't feel lost or regretted, they just felt relaxed and happy.

That's right, they have already recognized the orcs like Ali from the Raging Fire Tribe.

There is another familiar figure...

"That is... Lin Xiaoyue?"

The eyesight of the orcs is really good. Even at night like this, there are no electric lights in the modern society around them, but it still didn't delay their recognition of Lin Xiaoyue who was left aside by Ali who had turned into a human.

The orcs of the Fire Tribe felt physical problems after falling down, and they involuntarily transformed into human forms.

Of course, the rope that was originally tied up honestly fell because of Ali's shrinking size.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoyue, who was fainted to the side, was stared at by the orcs of the Tira tribe.

A group of orcs were taken aback.

Originally thought that Lin Xiaoyue threw those rice, or she went to other tribes to accept the pursuit of males, or she died alone in the mouth of wild beasts outside.

For the orcs of the Tira tribe, their days are getting better and better. Of course, there is no need to keep thinking about such an unimportant female.Even if it's anger, it's not worth them thinking about it all the time.

It wasn't until now that Lin Xiaoyue appeared in front of them again that he suddenly remembered the existence of such a person again.

The anger that had subsided also rose.

This Lin Xiaoyue, before leaving, not only stole their tribe's things, but also went to join the Raging Fire tribe, and even brought the other party to attack them? !

Fortunately, it didn't work, otherwise...

As soon as this thought changed, they thought of another thing.

Before Lin Xiaoyue was in the Tila tribe, Agu was heartbroken, Aqi was injured and almost died under the claws of the cuckoo bird, the rice fields were also burned, and the Tila tribe lost a batch of rice when they left.

Now that they went to the Raging Fire Tribe, Ali and his group of orcs who had annexed several tribes also fell.

This Lin Xiaoyue...could be a disaster star, whoever touches who will be unlucky, right?
(End of this chapter)

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