Chapter 32

When Usling woke up, the plane was almost at its destination.When she finished receiving the information, she just heard the announcement of the arrival station.

As a demon who can soar through the clouds by himself, You Siling still feels quite fresh about this kind of iron bump that can fly into the sky by itself, even though he has his memory loaded.However, she had already seen it when she went to participate in the overseas awards ceremony in the last mission world, and she didn't show any surprise at the moment.

When it was time to get off the plane, Usling put on the sunglasses pinned to his clothes, stepped on the pair of high heels and walked out with great momentum.

Those passengers who were in the first class with her thought this young woman was too beautiful when they boarded the plane.I didn't expect that she would become even more eye-catching after only one flight.

The big pair of sunglasses covered half of her face, even her watery eyes were also blocked.But this didn't affect her charm at all. When she walked along the way, she turned out to be more like a superstar than some big names in the entertainment industry today.

This is naturally the influence of the previous world.

The things You Siling learned under the arrangement of Sister Chen are not useless, and with the experience of walking the red carpet a few times, she is very used to the feeling of being surrounded by spotlights.

Although she is no longer a big star, but a "Bai Fumei", Usling can't help showing her best side all the time.In addition to the influence of the previous world, as a Charm herself, she also has this habit.

It's just that what she learned in the last world made her even more perfect at this point.

As soon as the passage opened, Usling came out gracefully with her small suitcase.

There were quite a few people waiting outside to pick up the plane, and they were taken aback when they saw You Siling.

Especially there was a group of fans who came to pick up idols on the other side. They thought this was some artist who avoided the media and returned to China, and couldn't help but secretly took a few photos, almost abandoning idols and becoming a wall.

A man and a woman in the crowd were even more taken aback.

The young men who took the lead quickly greeted them.

The woman standing a little behind bit her lip. Seeing that the man in front hadn't looked back, her eyes were fixed on the man who just came out of the passage, her complexion gradually turned pale.

You Siling didn't care about the scrutiny of these people at all, and even walked with a somewhat casual rhythm, which instantly became a landscape.

The crowd around couldn't help paying attention to her, but they couldn't help avoiding her, and they took the initiative to make way for her, and they didn't want to go forward and crowd at all.

You Siling raised his lips and smiled at the first person who offered to give way, that person's face flushed immediately, and sweat broke out on his face, and he rubbed his pants nervously after she passed by. The sweaty palms were too excited.

"Si Ling, this way!"

Usling followed the voice and looked over.

A man and a woman were standing there.

The man in a suit and leather shoes looks like a talented person.The facial features are very soft, as if he was born a gentle person.

In addition to that brand-name suit, it looks like a tall, rich and handsome configuration, and many young women have already secretly looked at him before.

However, You Siling could see a bit of amorous fate from his eyebrows.

This is not the shape of the corners of his eyes, but the style of his behavior has affected his luck, and it is expressed through his appearance.

It's not as good-looking as another pair of clean peach blossom eyes...

As soon as this thought passed, something floated in Yousiling's mind, but he couldn't catch it in time.

She looked at the woman who was slightly behind again.

This woman has a very ordinary appearance, which can be regarded as a public face.A pair of eyes are dark and big, they stand out very much on that fairly fair face, and there is a feeling of innocence and frankness.

But now her complexion is faintly pale, and her lower lip is almost the same color as her face, and there are still some teeth marks, obviously bitten out by herself.

When looking at Usling, there was a bit of resentment and rejection in this person's eyes that maybe even she didn't realize, but when she turned to the man, she became aggrieved and pitiful.

This gesture made Usling stop.

Her facial expression didn't seem to change, but she had already communicated with the system in her heart: "This is the so-called 'substitute' of me? Does it look like this?!"

When she came out just now, she had already seen her current appearance on the glass, which was not much different from her original appearance, but was less natural and delicate than Charming Monster's appearance, more like a real human being .

And this woman who still holds the pick-up card in her hand, not to mention her face, even her pair of excellent eyes are not even half comparable to her pair of naturally passionate eyes.

As soon as they met, You Siling wanted to slap the two of them to death—especially the lame man, who found such a substitute and advertised it, which really lowered her in other people's minds The beauty in it!
That's right, the man and the woman are Liu Yuan and Wu Tongxin.

"Si Ling, you're finally back!" Liu Yuan didn't seem to have the slightest guilty conscience to pick up the plane with his lover, and stood up enthusiastically to take the suitcase in You Siling's hand, "Don't be afraid, even if you are an uncle or aunt If you are not here, there is still me, so you can stay in the country from now on!"

The two elders of the You family died unexpectedly, and the daughter You Siling wanted to send the ashes of her parents back to her roots, so she came back from abroad.

If Liu Yuan is really a reliable bamboo horse, these words must be touching.At the beginning, it was his sincere appearance that made Yuan, who had just lost his parents and returned to China alone, take the initiative.

But Usling, who was standing here, snorted in his heart.

This man said it nicely, but in reality?After hooking up with someone, he turns around and abandons him like a shoe, and even dislikes that he has changed, not the way he was when he was a child.It's okay to separate emotionally, but the forced abortion made the original owner lose the ability to be a mother, and even ruthlessly cut off the family's back, and embezzled all of You's property.

This kind of person, not to mention unreliable, doesn't even have a basic conscience.

"Oh?" You Siling didn't bother him because of the suitcase, and let Liu Yuan take it, but turned around and walked outside the airport, "You?"

She took off her sunglasses, looked at Liu Yuan with her eyes, smiled lightly, then looked away, and walked in front of the three of them.

This posture, as if she was a natural queen, and Liu Yuan and Wu Tongxin behind her were set off as her followers.

The suitcase that was originally picked up because of his gentlemanly demeanor and the little thoughts in his heart made Liu Yuan look like a servant who came to pick him up at home.Not to mention Wu Tongxin, who looks ordinary and still holds a boarding pass in his hand.

Wu Tong was aggrieved again, and her expression was extremely embarrassing.

Liu Yuan didn't notice this at this time, but looked at this former little green plum in amazement.

That smile, that look, is simply...

It is even more haunting than the figure he remembered when he was young...

(End of this chapter)

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